Friday, April 17, 2009

Arrangment Re-Do

Do you remember this arrangement? I was so pleased with it and unfortunately it was only pretty for a day or two. The wind kept blowing the arrangement out of the basket and everytime I put it back in, it looked a little worse. I finally took it down and have had a naked front door for a couple of weeks now.

I really liked the materials that I'd used to make the arrangement and wanted to somehow reuse them. I had an inspiration and came up with this.

Can you guess to what the arrangement is attached???

Look at the back of the arrangement!

Can you believe that this actually worked?? We keep our front door shut, so I don't have to worry about looking at the back of the racket. I used an LCheapo racket from Walmart that we had stuffed in a closet from a long time ago. I spray painted one side of it with white paint. The next time Mr. SP breaks a racket, I'll have to save it instead of throwing it away!

All ready to hang!!


  1. What a brilliant idea! Great use for all those old tennis rackets, too! :-) Your arrangement looks the bow at the bottom! Susan

  2. Great idea. It cracks me up you girls like that dress. I picked it up from Target before I left!

  3. Genius!

    I would never have thought of that in a million years. I'll keep my eye out at garage sales now.

    Thanks for a great idea.


  4. What a creative idea! I would have never thought of that. It looks great! Sounds like from your previous post that you have been one busy gal! Have a great weekend!

  5. Hello! Stopping over from Kristen's. What a clever solution. Looks great!

  6. Aren't you a cleaver sweet pea - mother of an invention. It looks great and good idea.
    Happy Twirls

  7. Paula you are a genius!
    It's gorgeous! :)

  8. I never woulda guessed it. Brilliant!

  9. Wow, thats so creative! Great idea. The arrangement is just beautiful. :)

  10. The arrangement id sooo pretty. Amazing idea to use a tennis racket, but after thinking about it, I realized you had all those nifty holes and strings to wire into. Great idea!

  11. What a neat trick. Great job on the arrangement!

  12. What a great idea. Perfect for those blustery days of spring. - Ozark Moon

  13. That is a marvelous, marvelous idea! Ingenious! Clever! And it looks so pretty!


  14. What a great idea!! I love it!!!

  15. That's a great idea! Now I know what I'm going to do with Hubby's old rackets! :)

  16. Ah!! Simply adorable!!! As a tennis girl myself I can truly appreciate a racket put to good use!!!

    Thanks for checking out my Lemonhead Wreath! Can you believe I made that bad boy while I was sick with pneumonia! I was bored out of my mind just laying around but truly felt like crud! Glad it turned out! lol


  17. I just saw in a magazine where someone took some old rackets and took the net/whatever out of them and had mirrors put in and then hung a couple of them in a "grouping" on the wall. It was so cute!


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