Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Break Week

This week is spring break for my school system. I'm glad that around here schools are off the week after instead of the week before Easter. When we return to school there will be only seven weeks left.

Easter Sunday was a very nice day. I went to church with my mother, niece, and sister-in-law. Mr. SP, his dad, and my mom's friend joined us for lunch at Mama's house. She had a most delicious meal.

After lunch we had several Easter egg hunts and then went on a walk around the farm. The trees are finally getting their leaves and it was a perfect day to walk around to admire Mother Nature's handiwork.

After everyone had left except for me, Mama and I drove up the road to a nearby orchard to see the peach and apple blossoms. This outhouse caught my eye and I had to snap a photo.

The peach blossoms are on their way out, but they are still pretty.

I never leave Mama's house empty handed. She likes for me to take things with me to get them out of her way. This time I came home with...

a pure wool stadium blanket... never used and still in the original box.. Wouldn't this be pretty on a table set for a fall dinner? It would be much too itchy to wrap up in for a game.

My dad's letter sweater... Maybe I'll use it for a 1950's party or for Halloween??

Last of all, a divided serving bowl... I like this!

I've spent most of this week cleaning and organizing. I've also played a lot of tennis which has been really fun. When you are not working, the day just flies by. Why does the clock tick so slowly when I'm at school? It has been really nice to have time off to do what I want to do. I'm off to scrub my oven racks. Would anyone like to volunteer to help?


  1. I'll pass on the oven racks!:-) I really should be doing my own. Looks like you had a great Easter. Hope you have a wonderful week off!

  2. I agree that the blanket will make a great decorative item!!! What treasures you found! Or found you.....enjoy the rest of the week!



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