Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

I hope that everyone is having a relaxing Memorial Day weekend. After traveling last weekend and going to my niece's dance recital 2 1/2 hours each way and then a funeral the previous weekend, it's so nice to be at home.

Mr. SP and I both ended up being sick after our trip. Airplanes are the worst. I could barely speak for most of the week which made for a tough week at school. The kids were very cooperative on my two worst days. Mr. SP started feeling bad just as I was starting to feel better. His symptoms aren't exactly the same, so maybe he picked his illness up at work. Poor thing has a splitting headache, full sinuses, and a sore throat. He stayed on the sofa all day yesterday.

We went to the lake Friday after work for our first boat ride of the year. It was cool, but oh so pleasant. We had a picnic in a cove and watched the fish jump in and out of the water. There weren't many boats on the lake and that was a very nice thing. It probably was crazy there yesterday.

Have you ever had Plantar Fasciitis? It's a stabbing pain in your heel. I've been plagued with it for about a month and it has really slowed down my tennis and running. For me, it comes from having really tight calf muscles. I've been stretching my calves, icing my foot, and doing a lot of self massage.

If you have it or know someone who has it, I've been sleeping while wearing The Strasburg Sock. Wouldn't your husband like for you to wear something so sexy to be each evening??

Yesterday my foot felt great so I was able to run and then play tennis. It felt so good to get back into the woods on the trail and then to be on the tennis court. Boy was I rusty! I hope that some of my tennis skills that seem to be gone will quickly return.

I spend yesterday afternoon in my garden and it was pure heaven. I have just about all of my veggies planted and I'm working on mulching. I hope to finish today.

I picked these peonies for an arrangement for my dining room. I think that these might be my favorite flower.

My friend invited me to pick strawberries in his garden after we run this morning. He's building a new house, so I'll get to see the progress on it after I pick. I predict some strawberry jam making might be on my agenda for today along with gardening.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Glad your foot it better. My husband had that a few years ago and it can really be painful. He is a big tennis player and he had to stop for awhile. I had not heard of the special sock, but I will certainly remember it just in case. Have a great day!

  2. Oh, Paula those peonies are gorgeous! I hope your foot continues to feel better. My friend who has it says she sleeps in a tennis shoe, so she might be glad to know about this.....enjoy your long weekend!


  3. May you have a wonderful Memorial day weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  4. My husband came down with plantar while training for a marathon! He's been using the sock for about a month now and it's really helped! Sorry you got sick and yes plaines are really the worse!


  5. Beautiful peonies Paula.

    Hope your foot continues to feel good.

  6. Oh, I have def had this problem...can't remember how I got rid of it, so I'm no help, just sympathetic! Hope it's better soon:) Your peonies are so pretty.


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