Friday, May 8, 2009

Rough Couple of Days

You never know when something bad is going to happen. Wednesday morning something bad happened and no one knew it until Wednesday night. One of my mother's best friends, a lady I have known my entire life, was found murdered in her home on Wednesday evening. Mama's friend didn't show up for a lunch date and by the evening people were worried. A couple went to check on her and she was found in a pool of blood in her kitchen. We have learned that two men wearing hooded sweatshirts were seen in her driveway at 5 am. A neighbor saw her car leave at 6 am. These two thugs broke into her house, stabbed her at least 12 times, stole her purse, and stole her car. The car was found last night. The entire community is in shock. This is a rural, peaceful place where violent acts are rare.

My mother is having a very hard time with this. She lives alone. It easily could have been my mother that was attacked. I am scared and she is scared, too.

Let's hope that the police catch these monsters soon.

How could anyone do something like that to a 73 year old lady? It is so sad and so scary.


  1. Yikes...I have chills from head to toe. What an awful end for your Mom's sweet friend. I am so sorry for all of you.

  2. OMG! I don't even know what to say to this, except of course that you and your poor mother will be in my prayers. Evil is out there, that's for sure. May God bless you and keep you safe in His arms this day, and always.

  3. I'm so sorry Paula...I hope they catch the imbeciles quickly.


  4. Oh gosh, Paula. This sounds like something right out of a murder mystery book. I am so sorry and I hope the lady's family, your mom and you are going to be okay. I also hope you keep your doors locked and tell your mother not to go anywhere alone for awhile, at least until these creeps are found. If you are a small town, hopefully more people noticed things. I can't believe this happened in broad daylight! Does your mom have a security system?

    I just feel so bad, Paula and I am saying some prayers for all of you.

    P.S. It may sound strange coming from me in Chicago but we never have any action like this in our neighborhood. Let me know what happens...

  5. What a terrible thing to happen. I am so sorry. You and your Mom will be in my thoughts and prayers. I certainly hope the police catch these criminals soon.

  6. OH NO! Paula, I am so sorry to hear this. How scary and how very very sad. Is there any way your mom could stay with you until the killers are found. What kind of monsters do that to an old woman???!!

  7. Oh Paula. That is just awful!! I'm so sorry.

  8. What a senseless act of total violence. Of course we will never make any sense whatsoever of this. This story is hard enough to read. I just can't imagine how your mother is dealing with this ~~ and you ~~ and your community.
    I'm sorry for all of you, Paula. Rest in peace, dear lady.

  9. SP- it's difficult to really put into words, this type of thing sickens me. Needless acts of violence on a older woman???? Cyndy

  10. So sorry for your mom and the family! What a shock.

  11. Wow it's so hard when someone passes, but do you recover from that. My prayers will be for your mama and community this week.

  12. Paula, so sorry to hear this. Ditto what Donna said.

  13. Un-freakin-believable. Your poor poor mother. These are scary times because the bad guys out there are getting more and more "nervy" like going after the elderly, even robbing churches, etc. Things that just didn't use to happen very often.


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