Monday, May 18, 2009


Thanks to all of you for your kind comments. Mama seems to be doing a little better now that she knows that the evil men who did this are behind bars. She is still scared to stay alone at night and has been staying with my aunt and uncle. She lives over an hour away from me, so it is not practical for her to stay here. She has been wanting to move away from her farm to a nearby town for a good while now and I think that this terrible event may be the push she needs to do so.

Mr. SP and I were in Chicago over the weekend for a wedding. We had a marvelous time, but it was exhausting. I can't believe that it is already Monday morning and time to start another work week. Next Monday is Memorial Day. Where did May go?

I have not had time to blog much lately or even read blogs. I am looking forward to catching up on my reading sometimes soon. Have a good Monday!


  1. This is such and horrible and sad story. My heart goes out to your Mom and the family of her friend. I can understand why your Mom does not want to be alone. Prayers for all of you as go through this difficult time.

  2. Chicago??! How cool! :) Glad to hear your mom is doing a little bit better.

  3. I am glad things are going well. I agree that time is flying by. Maybe in the Summer we can slow it down a little.:-) Have a great week!

  4. Such a horrible story Paula. It's totally understandable that your Mom would be afraid to stay alone.


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