Friday, June 5, 2009

Last Day of School

Hurray!! It's the last day of school! I'll be free until August 10th with the exception of three days in June for a class for recertification.

First on my agenda is to clean my house and to get caught up in the yard. I also want to complete a craft project that I've been wanting to do since spring break.

I think I'm more excited about today than the kids!


  1. Last day of school!! Yay!! :) My mom's last day is today too, but she has a few teacher work days next week .:(

  2. Congratulations! You made it! Hope you have a relaxing Summer!

  3. Hooray for you, Paula!! Isn't it exciting to know the summer stretches before you to do all the things you usually don't have time for? Just remember to take time to relax (and I don't mean running your behind off playing tennis!!!). Read a sappy novel, do some crosswords, drink pina colada's under a tree....HAVE FUN!!! ;-)


  4. Yeah - you made it through the year! I hope you especially enjoy Monday when you don't have to get up and go to work.


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