Sunday, June 7, 2009

Today's Thrifty Treasures

I'm participating in Southern Hospitality's weekly "Today's Thrifty Treasures" party for the very first time. Be sure to visit Rhoda's blog to see all of the great finds from this past weekend.

I rarely go to yard sales on purpose. I almost always run on Saturday morning during the prime yard sale hours. Every once in a while I'll run on the streets instead of in the woods and I'll stumble across a yard sale. Usually my friend Suzanne is with me and we just have to stop. Last Saturday I was by myself and found a few things that I liked at a sale down the street from my house. I had the owner hold them for me while I ran home to get money and back to pick up the items.

I paid $5.00 for this frame, four marble eggs, and three egg holders.

I probably will end up painting this frame, perhaps white. Isn't the detail pretty?

The eggs came in this carton from Germany. I don't know why my neighbor had a german egg carton. Anyone know what it says? It's a great way to store the eggs until Easter.


  1. i love getting cheap frames, great for crafty projects!

  2. The detail on the frame is so pretty. I can't believe you only paid $5 for all of that! Great deals!

  3. Great finds! I especially love the frame. I love white frames, you can really see the beautiful detail!


  4. WOW...getting exercise and fabulous that's multi-tasking!!
    Nerina :)

  5. repeat after me: spray paint is a girl's best friend!!
    I could totally see that frame painted off white, then lightly sanded to distress and make those details pop out!!

    And those eggs: LOVE EM, so cool!!

    Glad you've joined the party, hope to see you often!

  6. Nice!!!

    Google has a language translation tool. It's really great. You put in what you want translated. Then you chose how you want it translated. In your case from German to English. Give it a try.

  7. Cute things you found, love the frame! Nice detail, I'm so glad you joined the party this week.

  8. great deals. I bet it would look great white. Love the eggs too they are beautiful.

  9. The detail on the frame is so pretty and I love those marble eggs you got!


  10. Great frame! I too love the detail! Frito bars...I'm definitely going to give these a try this week.

    Thanks so much for the sweet comment about my newest tiling project. I'm so glad that you like it!

    Have a great rest of your week!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!