Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weekend Report

Another weekend is over. The weather here was unseasonably cool. Last night was a record overnight low for this area.

I am loving not working and having plenty of free time for running and tennis. My running really slowed down because of my foot troubles, but this week was much better. I ran five time! I haven't been able to do that since early spring. On one of my run I almost stepped on a big Copperhead snake. Luckily it was so busy eating the mouse that was in his mouth that it paid no attention to me. I was freaked out by it, but I'll admit that I stopped and watched for a while. I wish that I'd had my camera because it would have been a great picture to use for science class.

I have been playing A LOT of tennis and I think I'm regressing. Mr. SP practiced with me for a long time on Friday night and it made me feel a lot better about my ability. I think the butt kicking that two 70 year olds gave me on Thursday made me lose my confidence! I hope I'm still on the court at age 70!

We went out to my running buddy's new house on Friday night for a tour and to get some veggies. His construction started almost two years ago, so they are most relieved to finally be in their home. He shared beans, onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers with me. I got a call from him on Saturday telling me that his dad died. He'll be out of town all week and I'm to keep his garden picked while he is gone. His garden is huge. I'm even supposed to pick Okra. What in the heck do I do with that? I should get enough beans to can and enough cucumbers to do a few batches of pickle.

Mr. SP's sister came in from CA on Saturday for a two week visit. We went to the lake Saturday afternoon. It was cold! I had to wrap a towel around me for most of the ride. This weather is crazy.

Sue will be 50 in a few weeks. She has no wrinkles and not a single grey hair!

When I got home Saturday night, I had a message that my grandmother fell and broke her elbow. I drove two hours each way today to visit. She was tickled pink to see me and was so happy that she had someone to sit with her and to help her a bit. I felt so sorry for her. She would whimper and sometimes scream when the nurses moved her. The poor thing couldn't get comfortable and wanted to change positions, but doing so really hurt. She'll see an orthopedic doctor this week to determine if she needs surgery. At 93, this probably won't be something that will heal quickly.

I'm headed back to my mom's house tomorrow for another round of "The battle of the painted wallpaper." I raided Mr. SP's workshop for tools and I'm ready to do battle!

For those of you who enjoy old houses, these houses are on the same street as my mom's house. I wish that ALL of the houses were this nice, but unfortunately there are some not so nice ones mixed in. None are terrible, they just need some TLC.


  1. Hi Paula. Sounds like an event filled weekend for you. Does your SIL live on Coronada? I noticed her T shirt. I have a friend who grew up there. I've only been once. Such a cute little island.

    So sorry about your Grandmother. Bless her heart. I know she was thrilled to see you.

    The houses around your Moms house are beautiful. Can't wait to hear the next report.

    Okra? Well, I do love fried okra but I know that's not a good thing to eat regularly. You can freeze it to use in vegetable soups. I like it that way too.

  2. A copperhead???! Ewwww!!! In the olden days, when I used to run, I almost stepped on snake too. Except it rose up like it might bite me...I have never ever run so fast in my life. I might have won a gold medal that day...maybe that's what I need to get in shape...some snakes chasing me. ;)

    Hope your grandmother is on the mend soon, poor thing. :(

    Got your comment about the fabric!!! I'll have to send you some photos of the room b/c I am not sure where to go with colors.

    Our bedroom needs MAJOR decorating work. There's not a stitch of anything on the walls, save a little flat panel TV (blushing). I'd like to put our white spread on the bed and redo curtains, but not sure about colors yet. :)

  3. I'm a new visitor to your blog and enjoy it very much!

    Be careful picking the okra, it can make you a matter of fact you might better wear some garden gloves. It is good sliced up,breaded with flour and fried in some hot grease. Or some people even pickle them and eat with salads...that is good too.

    Have fun in the garden ;D


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