Sunday, August 30, 2009

Refreshing an Old Stool

MM SouthernHospThriftyTreasurescopy

I’m joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch and Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for their weekly parties.  Be sure to visit both blogs and prepare yourself to be inspired!

My grandfather made this stool many years ago and I can remember that it was always in Granny’s kitchen.  Granny had it in her nursing home room and it came home with me after she died. 

The stool is in excellent condition, it just is a little banged up.  It is very sturdy and the weaving that my grandfather did so many years ago is still tight, just a little worn.


The top looks really bad.


The underside looks perfect!


At first I thought that I’d spray paint the top brown to make the worn places blend, but then I decided to try using stain to see what would happen.  This was in Mr. SP’s workshop, left over from some forgotten project long ago.


I put a small amount on a piece of old tee shirt and rubbed it over the top of the stool and the legs.  It was an immediate transformation!

Look how much better the stool looks with just one coat of stain!  It certainly doesn’t look like it looked when it was new, but it looks better.


Can you see Mr. SP’s toys in the background?  He likes to build radio controlled airplanes.


I put felt pads on the bottom of each leg to protect my floors.


It’s perfect to keep in my pantry for times when I need something from a top shelf.  I’m so glad that I was able to get this stool and to make it look pretty again.



  1. Hi Paula, I found your blog through Southern Hospitality.
    That is an awsome stool your grandfather made! I really admire the weaving, as I have attempted to weave my rocking chairs. Believe is no easy task, but for the weave to stay that tight through the years, that is just amazing. What a precious treasure you have.

  2. That looks like new! Good job! I love little stools like this. They are so useful and can be stored out of the way.


  3. The stool turned out great.

    Visiting from Rhoda's.

  4. What a cute little stool. I think its great that its a family piece. And it looks fabulous now!

  5. I must try this product. The little stool looks really good now.

  6. Paula, it looks new! :) Good thinking with the stain. I love that you will be able to use that heirloom in your home. :)

  7. Great job! I was cleaning the basement and came across a kit that is about 30 yrs old, all the caning and legs etc...never opened!
    Someone gave it to my son when he was very little, but it was way to hard for him to do!

  8. Beautiful little stool. So many memories! Good job freshening it up. Please stop by and say hi.

  9. How sweet that you were able to salvage something that has a personal meaning to you! It's really cute, too!

    ~ Pam

  10. Love those stools! They're even better when they have such wonderful memories attached.

  11. The next time I go out, I'm getting that product. Your little stool looks great.

  12. What a treasure you have there -- and nice touch up job.

    Imagine your children having it some day. All because you loved it so to cherish it.

    Stop by my blog if you have a minute... I would love to see you.

    TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

  13. what a wonderful treasure! So glad you found a way to restore the caning.


  14. What a nice story behind the stool and beautiful transformation. But you must display it where everyone can see your handiwork! Jane T.

  15. What a lovely little treasure! I love pieces that have good memories of loved ones!

  16. Paula-I am amazed at the weaving and can't imagine how he did it! They would both be so happy to know that you have given the little stool a new life and purpose! Thanks for sharing it.~

  17. What a wonderful stool you inherited from your grandparents. The fact that your grandfather made it makes it even more special. I like that you were able to spruce it up but keep the original integrity of the piece.

  18. What a great treasure and what lovely memories. It probably looks as good as when your Grandfather originally made it.

    I hope you will come by for a visit.
    Its So Very Cheri

  19. The stool is beautiful, now. Hugs, Cindy S.

  20. OMG--that stool looks amazing now. What a wonderful treasure for you to cherish. Thanks for dropping by my blog yesterday. Have a wonderful week ahead.
    Suzanne in TX

  21. Very nice! The stain was just the trick to give it a fresh look. Good job.

  22. Popping over from Southern Hospitality. What a great little stool! I am loving it! Your finished product turned out so well!

  23. I bought one exactly like this at GW the other day, half-price for $5! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw yours. Mine is definitely old, too. You definitely improved it.

  24. Isn't it amazing what a little bit of stain will do? The stool is adorable & such a lovely family treasure.


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