Friday, September 25, 2009

Exciting News #1

I’ve mentioned a time or two that two exciting things are in the works at our house.  After signing what felt like 50 million papers, I am happy to share that we now own a waterfront lot at the lake!!

The lot is totally wooded and has a building site very close to the water.  We hope to build a dock first and then maybe in a few years think about building a small second home. 

Here’s our lot from the water.  Can you see the for sale sign?  We are so excited to have so much waterfront and such a large cove to enjoy.


I am pinching myself!  I’m going to have a cute little house on that knoll one of these days!


This will be the view from our future dock.


This is our neighbor’s house.  The neighborhood is very modest and doesn’t require building a McMansion.  So many properties that we looked at required building a huge home.  We don’t want that! (and couldn’t afford it, either!)


View of our shoreline:


The property has a rough road that leads to the water.  We’ll have to have it graded and more gravel applied before winter.  Mr. SP is heading down to the water to check out the view.


I took this picture from the future home site.  A few trees will have to be cut down prior to building!


Here’s the view from our future dock.


Yes, this will be a great hang-out spot!


Now back up that hill to the car!


I hope you enjoyed the tour of our new piece of paradise at the lake.  I see some chain saw action in Mr. SP’s very near future!


  1. Doesn't get any better than that!

  2. I want to be the first to congratulate you and Mr. SP!! How cool!! You have a stunning view! I love all the evergreens too. I am just so excited for you. If you build a dock you can have quite a bit of fun fishing and swimming and hey, you can always camp out!!

    Check out my last post. I made a recipe of yours and left link!


  3. It is absolutely gorgeous! What a great place for a darling vacation cottage!! Congratulations. xoox

  4. Ooooooo! That is beautiful! I am happy for will have a lot of fun there!!! Congratulations!

  5. Oh how exciting Paula!! Congratulations! It looks like a beautiful spot.

  6. Yeah - it's gorgeous! You'll enjoy it so much. How great that you can build a dock and use it for the day (or night with a tent!) and then look forward to building just the house you want.

    I'm so excited for you!

  7. Yea! How beautiful is that lot! I just know you are going to enjoy it so much!

  8. It looks so beautiful!! Congrats on your new view! :)

  9. That is just wonderful!!! Its a beautiful piece of property & looks so peaceful. What a perfect get away.

  10. Congratulations! That lot looks sooo pretty! What a wonderful place to build (and how much fun that's going to be)!


  11. Congratulations, Paula!!!!! I love your lot! It's perfect!! Please send me an email and let me know where you decided so we can boat by one of these summers!

    Also, what a teaser!! What is the #2 exciting news???????


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