Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Glory….Mums!

One thing that I love about fall is Chrysanthemums.  I love the colors, the bloom shape, the smell, and the joy of one last shot of blooming color before the first hard frost.

Over the years I’ve transplanted many a pot of mums into my flower beds.  Sometimes they make it through the winter and sometimes they don’t.  I don’t feel like I’ve wasted money because I enjoyed them in their pots while they were in their blooming glory. 

This patch of mums lines the walkway to my screened porch.  I love coming home to these blooms!




Here’s a close-up of the variety by the light post.


Two more varieties:



These pots from my front porch will be transplanted into a flower bed when their show is over.




You can see patches of mums here and there in this flower bed.  I have to spray my mum with Liquid Fence because the dratted deer eat the buds.


Here’s a close-up of one of the varieties in this flower bed. Can you see where a deer nibbled a bud?


Mums give you a lot of bang for the buck.  This picture was taken August 15.  You can see that I have pots of yellow mums in my planters.  They were purchased at Walmart for $3.99 a pot.  I have religiously pinched off the dead blooms and they are still blooming today, October 24.  I’ll transplant them and hope to get blooms for years to come!


My Asters are also putting on a beautiful fall show.




The leaves around here are at their peak of color.  I’m going to drink in the beauty because the first hard frost won’t too long in coming.


  1. You have a beautiful yard!!! I love your of these days I'll keep mine alive. ;)

  2. WOW! Either your area is perfect for mums or you have the magic touch. Or, maybe both. They are BEAUTIFUL!!! I don't have alot of luck with putting potted mums into the ground. They might come back one or two years but even then, they don't look great.

  3. Oh, the asters are lovely, Paula, as are the how long does it take once you pinch off the dead blooms before it blooms again? I have some gorgeous mums that I want to be blooming again in two weeks. Any chance they would turn around that quickly, you think, or should I get some more???



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