Sunday, October 18, 2009

Slow Progress on Walnut Avenue

Mama’s Walnut Avenue house is coming along, slowly but surely.  Much of the work that has been done is not noticeable.  She thought the plumbing was fine, but discovered that it all had to be replaced.  Surprise!  When my cousins replaced it, they discovered that the washing machine had been draining under the house all of these years.  Good grief!  The plumbing is now complete.  Yeah!

I spent Saturday helping Mama and have a few pictures of what she’s accomplished over the past month.

She’s spent a good bit of time stripping paint from woodwork.

Parlor doors in July:


Parlor doors in October:


The mantel in the parlor has also been stripped along with the base board and picture molding.


Mama has removed a good bit of the paint from the wood work around the front door.


Here are the parlor doors from the hall side.  Look at the pine without the paint.


Mama and I spent all day on Saturday removing wallpaper from this bedroom.  The paint covering this wallpaper is enamel which made our job extra tough.  We had hopes of finishing, but it didn’t happen.




It is supposed to be fairly warm this week and Mama is planning on painting her porches.  How many 64 year old women do you know who would take on a project like this?  My Mama rocks!

She’s got a lot of painting to do…..



  1. Wow yes your momma rocket...thanks for sharing.....Pat H

  2. This is a true diamond in the rough. Maybe you should call This Old House or someone like that to see if they want to feature its refurb!!! Wouldn't that be cool?


  3. Your right about that. Your Mama does ROCK!!!

  4. Oh my gosh! She must be superwoman! I'm tired just watching all the work she's already done. I live on Walnut Street :-)

  5. It's going to be beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  6. Hi Paula, thank you for your thoughts and prayers for my hubby, he's feeling pretty good, just need to know about the other soon so we know what to do next. I'm sure it will all be ok.

    Your mama has alot going on with her house. I'm glad she got her plumbing fixed. I scrolled down and looked at some of your other posts, I agree it's important to look cute while your playing tennis. I don't play, but might take it up someday just for the cute!(and exercize of course) Have a great Monday! Kristen

  7. Wow! That is a project. I love the discovery of the beautiful pine. And, the porches? Oh, my!

  8. WOW! I am so impressed. It is going to be just lovely. Your Mom is one energetic woman.

  9. Oh my word. Those porches are going to require a lot of hard work, but they are going to be STUNNING!!!

  10. I am sooooooooooo impressed that your mom would undertake such a grand project. The house is going to be absolutely beautiful though. I hope you will share pictures. I just wanted to thank you for participating in Crock Pot Wednesday last week and to invite you to join in again this week. Mister Linky is already up and waiting for you. There's a giveaway going on:)

  11. Her house is going to be a gem once she is done. And, I'm VERY impressed with her energy. Wow. I don't know if I'd take on something like that & I'm 36!

  12. ugh...I so hate hate hate stripping woodwork :( your mom does rock :)


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