Thursday, October 22, 2009

Table Clothes from Walnut Avenue

My great aunt lived in Mama’s Walnut Avenue house for years and years.  When she moved out a few months ago, she was going to throw away these beautiful old table clothes.  Luckily her granddaughter saw them and gave them to Mama because she knew that Mama would treasure them.  My great aunt is 93 and these table clothes were made by her husband’s mother, so they are quite old.

My photography is not great on these, but you can get an idea of their beautiful colors and think of the work that went into making them.

Please ignore the fact that ironing is desperately needed!







We may use one of these for Thanksgiving.  They aren’t big enough to cover the table, but we think that we can use a larger cloth underneath and that we can layer the embroidered cloth over the top.  I have a feeling that Mama will pick the one with the grapes, but who knows?

Aren’t they pretty??

Tonight I’m going to a holiday bow making class at our local community center.  I’m one of those people who can’t quite get the knack for bow making and I’m super excited to finally learn how.  I hope to have pictures and tips to share after the class.


  1. Paula, those are gorgeous. What a treasure--thank goodness they were rescued!

  2. Thank goodness someone saved those from the trash bag. They are gorgeous and I know your Mom is going to get many years of enjoyment out of them at her new house.

  3. Paula, those ARE GORGEOUS!!! Lucky you and mamma!!
    And as for the bows, you will be great at's very easy, especially with french wired ribbon. As talented as you are, you will pick it up quickly! Have fun!

  4. I can't believe she'd throw them away!!! How beautiful. :)

    PLEASE post some pictures and a tutorial if you can of the bow making. I only know how to do one kind, and they are sort of wobbly looking. ;)

  5. Those are beautiful! Thank goodness that they were saved. They are real treasures. The grape one is my favorite as well.

  6. I'm glad she's treasuring them!! I love all of them and knew she was the right woman to take care of them!


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