Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bittersweet Tradition

I’m not talking about a tradition that is bittersweet, I’m talking about the plant, Bittersweet.  Bittersweet is a weed around here and if you are a farmer, you hate it.  It twines around fences, grows ups trees, and is difficult to get rid of.  If you like to decorate like me, you love it!  I watch a few patches of Bittersweet on one of my local trail runs.  I wait until the berries finally show their color and then I gleefully harvest it.  My tradition is to gather it on a run and then run home while carrying it.

Last year I took this picture of my harvest.  It is dated November 12, 2008.


I made this arrangement in November 2008 with my Bittersweet.


I went for a run this morning, November 15, 2009 and noticed that the Bittersweet had turned a beautiful red.  I picked a big handful and ran home with it.  I’m wearing the same shirt that I wore last year on harvest day!



I made a similar arrangement for 2009.  This year it is in my living room.





Tomorrow I’ll gather more to put on my mantel.

I like the change of seasons and look forward to nature changing as it gets cold or hot.  If the past two years are any indication of a pattern, then I can mark my calendar for mid-November as being the time to harvest Bittersweet.

Bittersweet looks perfect with my Thanksgiving decorations.  There’s no rushing Christmas at my house.  I love Thanksgiving and intend to enjoy those decorations until turkey day is here.

Be sure to visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday.



  1. This is so pretty love the colors !! Im a new follower, Hello :)Nice to meet you

  2. foooeeee! I have been looking for that and haven't been able to find it!! I guess I really better get cracking....I want some!!

  3. I love bittersweet.
    You are lucky to be able to harvest it without paying for it. You ought to make a beautiful wreath with it.
    I am following you now.

  4. I would adore a patch of bittersweet nearby to harvest from! I love it! it looks sooooo very fallish! I like your arrangement!


  5. Very pretty. I love the pitcher/vase you are using, it's such a besutiful color.

  6. Oh, it's lovely! The colors are so perfect for fall. Does it dry well so you could use it from year to year?
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  7. Very pretty. That orange pitcher is calling my name. Love it!

  8. Wow the bittersweet accentuates the colors of fall! I love the pitcher too!

  9. Beautiful!!

    I've been admiring the crepe myrtles around my neighborhood. They really are beautiful in every season.

  10. The bittersweet is beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen any around here...but I don't get out for runs often :) It really looks great with the pheasant feathers!!

  11. Oh Paula! Your bittersweet looks so perfect that it almost looks silk! LOL! It's just beautiful. I know we have it in my state somewhere. I wish I could find some to harvest. Lucky you. Your arrangements are beautiful.

  12. I am so jealous! I wish it grew around here! If we want to use it we have to go fake and it just isn't the same!
    That's funny that you had on the same shirt! :)

  13. I just picked a handful too! I love the beautiful orange color and it looks perfect in your pitcher.

    Thanks for dropping by! I'm off to become a follower, we seem to have the same tastes!


  14. So pretty and that's what I call recycling and being "green!"

  15. It looks too pretty to be real!! ;) I don't know if I've ever seen that in my area of VA. Can't believe it's a weed!!!

  16. I love bittersweet, too, and have made wreaths of it for years now. Your fall indoor arrangements are so pretty... I may have to go clip more in time for a Thanksgiving mantle! :)

  17. The bittersweet looks great in that wonderful little pitcher!

  18. I'm not a big fan of orange, but I love what you did here!Beautiful!:)


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