Saturday, November 21, 2009

November on Walnut Avenue

I spent last Saturday helping Mama on Walnut Avenue.  We painted her basement craft room and family room.  If you are new to my blog, you can read about what my mom is doing by looking on my sidebar and clicking on the “Walnut Avenue” label.

Here are a few pictures of the craft room that I’ve taken since June.  Mama had the sink and cabinet moved from the kitchen to the craft room.


She primed the walls and painted the ceiling and cabinet this pretty green.


The pipes hanging on the ceiling still need to be painted.  The funny looking brown pipe used to go to the living room for a gas stove.  It will be removed.


Mama picked a soft green for this room.  After she paints the pipes and cleans the baseboard and floor, this room will be good to go.  Since it is in the basement, perfection isn’t the goal.


Can you believe that these gorgeous doors are in her basement?


We also painted the basement family room.  Mama plans to use her current basement family room furniture, so she picked a paint color from one of her fabrics.  She hates the color!  I love it and my cousin and aunt stopped by and they loved it, too.  I would not be surprised if she has repainted this room by now.  


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Doesn’t the color go well with her fabrics??IMG_1615

She painted the ceiling and pipes in this room white.  They really stick out in my pictures, but when you are in the room, you really don’t notice them so much.IMG_1618

 This wall needs some repair, so we skipped painting that section.  I’m wondering what light fixture she’ll choose for this space.



The floor in this room had some spots that had to be replaced.  Someone installed hardwood floors in this space in the 1950’s.  Mama cut the boards and repaired the areas all by herself.  She’s going to stain the new boards to match (as best as she can) knowing that she’ll have a rug that will cover most of the repaired areas.


Mama has really worked hard on her hallway area. 


Can you imagine how many hours she’s spent stripping paint and wallpaper?


The pocket doors going into the parlor are going to be fabulous once they are stained!


It’s slow going, but progress is being made.  I’m going to help her again over my Thanksgiving break.  I’ll have another report and pictures to share.


  1. The house has such amazing bones. It is going to be a real showplace when she is done.

    I love the green that she chose for her craft room -- very vintage!

  2. Gosh, I'm just always tired when I see these pictures. No, I cannot imagine how many hours she spent in that hallway. It will be worth it though. I wonder if you can talk her in to not repainting that den area until she sees the furniture in. That is a beautiful color. The furniture in will really make it pop.

  3. Your Mom is such a hard worker! I like the color in the basement. I think it looks perfect with the fabrics. Have a great Thanksgiving and tell your Mom I am definitely impressed!

  4. What an undertaking! I went back and saw all the progress your mother has made this year! WOW!

  5. I am continually amazed by this project! What really dumbfounded me is that your mother repaired the floor. I wouldn't have a clue!

    Great job...have fun over the holiday. I can't wait to follow more progress.

  6. WOW!!! I hope Santa brings a studly contractor would will do the work for free cookies and hot chocolate. :) Can't believe all she's gotten done!

  7. Oh my goodness, Paula! Do you rent your mama out? lol I wish I had her drive and energy! The two of you are doing a wonderful job! Amazing! I can't wait to see the next installation! Happy week!...Debbie

  8. The house is a dream!! All that beautiful craftsmanship! Tell your Mama great job!!


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