Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Poor Car

Today is my car’s 12th birthday.  She’s only been driven 115,000 miles and looks pretty good for her age, until yesterday.  I got a little too close to a concrete pillar in my hair salon’s garage and badly scraped and dented the back passenger side door.  I was so mad at myself for hurting her!!  I wonder how much it will cost to cost to fix her??  I really don’t want to drive around town with a big scrape and dent in my car. 

One hour before I did the big dent and scrape, I almost turned into oncoming traffic and had a bad accident.  Luckily, I stopped in time and all was well.

Yesterday was not my day!


  1. I'm glad you were not hurt! Those "almost accidents" can be very unnerving. Sorry to hear about your car. I have an old girl too and she's still rolling along with 215,000 miles.

  2. glad you were ok!!! Your old girl sure has been faithful, huh? ;)


  3. Holy crow! Hopefully the bad luck will roll out with the end of the year. Don't even get me started about's a sore subject with me. I hope it won't cost a fortune, but it usually does. CARS! Can't live with em......Can't live without em.

  4. Oh, Paula, I'm so sorry to hear about this. :( Accidents are NO fun...hope you get everything sorted out without any trouble. I hope things are looking up for you tonight!!


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