Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sugar Coated Pecans

Do you need a quick gift to make for friends, family, or coworkers?  If so, consider trying these irresistible sugar coated pecans.

Sugar Coated Pecans

2 egg whites

1 T water

1 T vanilla

2 pounds pecan halves

1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon


1.  Preheat oven to 250 degrees.

2.  In a mixing bowl, whip together the egg whites until frothy.   Add pecans to the egg whites, stirring to coat the nuts evenly.

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3.  Add both sugars, salt, cinnamon, water, and vanilla.  Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed and the nuts are thoroughly coated.


4.  Spread the nuts on two baking sheets lined with parchment or a Silpat.


5.  Bake at 250 degrees for 1 hour.  Stir every 15 minutes. 

6.  Cool and enjoy!


This stuff is really, really good.  I packaged nine bags to use as gifts at school and there was still enough left over for us to have as a snack.  You could easily half the recipe if you don’t need as much as I made.

Be sure to visit Jen at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam for more great recipes.



  1. This recipe looks like a winner. I think I will half it, though. I have a tendency to gobble too many goodies before they get to where they need to go!

  2. Thanks for the recipe. I was going to make spicey nuts. I think I'll try the sweet instead.

  3. Those look gooooooood. :) Thanks for sharing this recipe...I had some of these at a party on Sunday night, and really liked them. :)

  4. I love those. I've always bought them in the past, but I'll try the recipe. I put them in a pear and romaine salad with feta cheese.

  5. I love nuts and sugar coated nuts are my absolute favorites. I'll be trying these.


  6. What a perfect recipe for Christmas time! It's so great for snacking and appetizers!

    I hope you'll link up at my Christmas Recipe event this Thursday!

  7. I made the nuts yesterday afternoon. They turned out beautifully. I'm off to Costco to get another 2 lbs of pecans for another batch.

  8. I swear I could smell these just by looking at your pictures, and I may have gained a pound or two reading about them, they look delicious, I don't have a lot of pecans, but I have about 10 pounds of walnuts, I wonder if they would work too?

    I think I'll try it!


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