Sunday, January 24, 2010

Easy Valentine’s Craft

This super easy, super cute craft was featured in the February 2009 issue of Martha Stewart.  Give it a try, you’ll certainly find a few spots in your home that could use a Valentine’s Day touch.

Handmade Heart Doilies 

You’ll need paper napkins.  The red ones are left over from Christmas.  I purchased the pink ones at Walmart for $1.50 a pack.


Now for how to make these cute heart doilies.

Place the folded corner towards you.  Fold one side over to the other side.

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Next fold the side that you see under my fingers above back to the middle.


Cut an arc for the top of the heart and then cut again at the bottom of the napkin for the bottom of the heart.


Open the napkin to reveal your creation!



Click here for the directions for making this cute heart from Martha Stewart’s website.

I used mine to create a display on my kitchen counter.



The vase on the end was given to my grandmother in the hospital when she had her first baby, my dad, in 1940.  Granny labeled everything so that we would know the history behind her treasures.  Her note was inside the vase.  I’ll always keep it there.

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I decorated my “coffee station” with a red heart doily.  The green and tan platter was one of Granny’s wedding shower gifts. 



I’ll bet that you can think of a lot of creative uses for a heart doily.  Please share them with me if you do!

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Please visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday, Kimba at A Soft Place to Land for DIY Day, and Donna at Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Night Special.


  1. I love the craft and decorating tips you share. A couple years ago, when I first discovered blogs, yours was one of the first that I followed. I copied your idea of the "chocolate" Easter bunny on a bed of grass on a silver platter surrounded by a spring garland. It is still my favorite holiday decoration!

  2. Thank you for sharing - I'm SO going to do this!!! :) Love your crafts :) Hope you're having a great weekend! BTW: Is it spring break yet?! ha ha ha

  3. Oh, how sweet! I've always wondered how to do that! Love how you've used them too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Love your heart doilies! And I love the little notes from your grandmother...what a great idea! No wonder you treasure her vase! Happy week!...Debbie

  5. What a sweet craft. I love the way you've used the doilies through your house. Lovely.

  6. These are great and add such a great pop of color. They look great under the jars of hearts.

  7. How simple and delightful. It is something we can so easily use. Thank you.

  8. Great idea for younger kids. They love easy projects with instant results!

  9. Hi Sweetie...
    I was checking out the link from Between Naps on the Porch and found your beautiful blog. I was so excited to see this beautiful heart idea from napkins of all things. We always have napkins and could sweeten up a table in an instant. I love this idea and I will be checking out your provided link. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I have signed up to follow your blog. I can't wait to see what type of tip you share next. So creative and wonderful today. Love it.

    Please stop by and say hi. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow my blog as well.

    Country hugs Sweet Pea from Country Wings in Phoenix. Sherry

  10. What a great idea!! I love it!!


  11. Paula that was so darn cute. Just many bags of conversation hearts did you have to buy to fill up those jars? I love your glass jars, so many uses.

  12. Paula,
    Those are just precious and too cute! I teach elementary school and I think that would be a neat project for them to make for Valentine's Day too! Thanks so much for sharing!{and my students thank you too!}

  13. love the pink and red idea with the napkins, very clever and your table is soooo cute..

  14. They're so cute. I love this idea, and am going to do it! Yesturday I made a tiny cake stand out of a glass desert plate, a cheese ball dome and a crystal candle stick. It's sitting right next to my big old cake stand which always has a doily on it. Today, I was just wondering how to come up with just the right doily. Now I know. Thanks!

  15. LOVE IT!!! I already tried it while I was sitting her reading your blog and it turned out just like your pics! Thank you so much. I can think of soooo many places throughout the house to use these!

  16. I love this clever idea...and I really like your apothecary jars filled with hearts!

  17. LOVE it, Paula! :) You have had some awesome posts lately!!! You've inspired me to get the house all cleaned up and break out some Vday decor. :)

  18. Very. very cute, and so cheap too. Would be great for a party or a fun Valentine's dinner :-)

  19. I saw that in the mag and thought it was such a cute idea. Love how you used your cute Valentine doilies!


  20. This is so simple and easy. But it adds a really nice touch. I love the tile in the background. I've gotta go back and check out your blog (after I make some Valentine cutouts of course). Thanks! Lisa~

  21. I'm absolutely going to do this one! My little girl will love it!

  22. That is really beautiful Paula!

    Your kitchen is gorgeous as well. ~WOW! *Smiles*

  23. I own the issue. I think is so pretty and easy.

  24. I remember seeing these, thanks for reminding me about them.
    I hope you will link these up to my Valentine Party on Feb. 1st.
    Thanks for sharing!

  25. Very cute...I saw them, too and promptly forgot about them...Now I will do it! Love the g'ma notes... a good idea for anyone to do for the future!

  26. These turned out really nice. You could do something similar for just about any Holiday too. Love it! Thanks for sharing!


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