Sunday, January 17, 2010

Our Driveway Project has Begun!

Last fall I shared that we are getting a new driveway.  You can read all about our plans here if you missed that post.  Our contractor came yesterday and flagged the areas to be excavated.  Digging will begin on Wednesday!  I am not going to enjoy the noise, mess, or inconvenience of the construction, but the end product should be well worth the expense.

Mark worked for a good while flagging the outlines of the new driveway.


You can see where the new entrance will be and where we’ll park once the project is completed.  Right now we park with the nose of the cars facing the house.  Only two cars will fit this way.  The new parking area is wide enough for three cars and the cars will park parallel to the house.



This area will be revamped.  The sidewalk will be moved and the steps will be changed.


The backyard will get a makeover, too.  The rectangular painted area will be a planter.  This area will be dug out and the planter will be a seating wall.  The oval shaped painted area will be a greenstone patio.  The concrete base at the bottom of the deck steps will be changed to a rounded paver one with steps going down to the patio.    The driveway portion that you see in this photo will become grass.  The guys will do this part of the project after the driveway in the front is complete.


I am hoping that this project will go very quickly and that I’ll have frequent updates to share.


  1. Looks like it will so usable as well as beautiful when it is done. Keep us updated with your progress.

  2. How exciting!! I need a new driveway too. And, I need to have some drainage work done. Makes sense to do them at the same time. I wish I thought I could do those this year but it's probably about a 50/50 chance.

    Can't wait to see the progress and the final. Sounds like it's going to be beautiful.

  3. You must be excited!! I really enjoyed seeing pictures of your house and neighborhood~so pretty. I would be excited about all of the new landscaping!! :-)


  4. OOoo-neat! I'm excited to see how it changes the look of your house. Fun project!

  5. Great plans - can't wait to see how it all turns out. Oh, and your neighborhood looks adorable!!!

  6. We got a new drivewayy last year and it is so nice. Congratulations!
    Don't forget to enter into the $50 shopping spree at Starting Over

  7. Looking forward to seeing it all finished. The plans look amazing.

  8. WOW, this is a huge project. I can't wait to follow the progess (with special interest because we are afraid we have drive way project in our future...not one by choice :-( ).

  9. Just keep thinking about the end project when all the noise bothers you. Keep saying, "it is worth it", over and over again. Maybe you'll have to go on a lot of runs and hang out on the courts more until they're finished. It's a win win situation. You get more exercise (like you need it) and a new driveway. Good luck.

  10. How exciting Paula......I would need a new house to get a new driveway! :-)



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