Friday, January 22, 2010

Running Goal

Mr. SP and I are officially signed up for the Flying Pirate Half Marathon on April 28.  The course is the first half of OBX Marathon held in November each year.  In past years we’ve done the OBX Half which is the second half of the marathon course.  Isn’t the logo for the race cute?

FP logo

The race will also be an excuse to go to the beach!  We love the OBX and would go more often if it weren’t so far away.

Mr. SP has goals other than this one.  He is also doing a relay portion of the Big Sur Marathon with his brother, sister, and dad the following weekend. 

Having a goal makes it much easier to get out there and run.  I’ve slacked off in the past year because of my plantar fasciitis.  Now that it’s better (knock on wood) I have no excuse not to run some distance. Right now I’m working on getting my base mileage back up and then I’ll slowly add on a long run each week.

I’ve also been trying to get to the gym more often for weight workouts.  Doing weights combined with running really fires up my metabolism.  Burn baby burn!

Do you have any fitness goals that you’ve been working on?

Also, I’ve been thinking of starting a weekly series where I demonstrate exercises that I have found to really work or give helpful hints for motivation, stretching, or anything else fitness related.  Let me know if this would be something that you would be interested in reading.


  1. Paula, I think it is wonderful that you are doing the half marathon. It sounds like a great experience, and to do it with your husband has to be even more fun. I have a second blog where I am chronicaling my 77 lb weight loss goal this year. I would like to run a 5K this year after not having run in years. I'd love it if you followed - any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. I would love to see your exercise tips on your blog. Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh, Paula, you just run circles around me! Our daughter has run a couple half marathons lately. The last was in Richmond this past November. I am fighting off sore muscles this week after trying out a new machine at the fitness center. I am groaning every time I squat. Any help would really be appreciated!

  3. My fitness goal is to. go. to. the gym. Period. :s I have got to be better about scheduling time. For some reason that I can't figure out, Natalie HATES the childcare area. She throws fits every time I try to take her. (She's never done that anywhere else) It makes it twice the work just to even get there. :s

    Two thumbs up to you for getting started on your training again. :)

  4. Good luck with this, Paula! I have no doubt you will make it :-) I, too, am planning to run a half marathon this year. The one at Disneyland in September. I've never done anything like this. But I agree it makes it so much easier to get out there to run when you have a "reason" to do it. Here's to a health year!

  5. I will be running in my first half-marathon on Feb. 27th. This is the first time I've ever ran more than miles at one time. I've been reporting my running adventures on my Family Adventures blog.

    Come on over! Let's keep each other motivated. Oh, and I do LoVe the icon for the run you are completing!


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