Saturday, January 2, 2010

Vermont 2009

Mr. SP asked me the other day why I hadn’t blogged about our Vermont trip.  The answer is I simply haven’t taken the time to do it!

The first town that we come to when we arrive in Vermont is Bennington.  The following four pictures are from Bennington.  This church is one of the prettiest that I’ve seen anywhere.  The picture beside it is of a building that looks like it used to be a hotel.  Someone appears to be living in the front part and the back part looks empty.

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I snapped this picture of a pretty farm as we drove towards Ludlow.  The temperature at the time was –1 degrees!

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The first night we went to Harry’s in Mount Holly.  It is a little place in the middle of nowhere that serves excellent food.

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We skied the next day and then visited The Vermont Country Store.

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Each night we read books and watched tv in front of a roaring fire.

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This is the view from our condo.

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After skiing the second day we went to a sugar house to buy gifts.

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We stopped at an antique shop or two.  Wouldn’t you like to have this big old Grizzly in your living room?

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I wish that we had taken more pictures while skiing, but it was simply too cold to take off a glove to do so!

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After four days of skiing at Okemo, we went to Woodstock for two nights at The Woodstock Inn, my all time favorite hotel in the world.

We rode around a bunch, shopped a little, and had dinner both nights at Bentley’s.  I love how they hang ornaments from the ceiling at Christmas.

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Do you remember Jake’s glass from the movie Sweet Home Alabama?  Well, really it was Simon Pierce glass.  I really enjoyed looking at this beautiful work, but it is outrageously expensive.


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The last afternoon we went cross country skiing.  Mr. SP used to ski to class when he was at University of Wisconsin, so he’s pretty good at it, I’m not so good.  I have a good time trying!

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Back to Bentley’s for our last Vermont supper!

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Every time we came into The Woodstock Inn from outside, we’d sit by their big old fireplace and warm up.

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We stopped in Bennington on our way home to eat breakfast at The Blue Benn, an honest to goodness old diner.  The eggnog french toast that I had there was the best french toast that I’ve had in my life.  Yum!

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We logged almost 13 hours in the car that day to get home.  Luckily, the traffic was light and the weather was good.  It amazes me that I can be in Vermont in the morning and back at home by evening!  Maybe I can talk Mr. SP into going back this summer!


  1. It looks as though you had a marvelous trip. Oh, the horses! Oh, the hole in the wall places to eat! Oh, the picture perfect landscapes! Oh, the antiquing! Oh! Oh!Oh! I sound like a Dick and Jane pre-primer. Your trip would make a great instant scrapbook-by Hallmark, of course!

  2. WOW! Some of the homes you shot are simply amazing. I am so jealous. I'd love to visit Vermont, New Hampshire, etc. but T gets all twitchy if go North of Maryland. What a stick in the mud. :s Fun trip for you!!!

  3. I've always wanted to go to Vermont Paula. And after seeing your pictures I wanna go even more! So beautiful, right out of a magazine. We don't ski though, but the reading in front of a roaring fire part sounds great! Funny how Mr. SP reminds you to post, my hubby does the same thing to me all the time....."you gonna post about that?". Such sweeties!

  4. Oh how fun!!! I love the pics and would love to see those houses up close and in person! Looks like y'all had a blast!


  5. Man it looks cold!!! Beautiful pictures though. Glad you had fun. It's been YEARS since I was in Vermont. So many pretty little towns that just look so welcoming. I'd like to go back again but not at this time of year. :)

  6. very nice trip! it's actually cold here now -like in the 50s and i've been dreaming of going to boston but the pics made me even colder and i'm nice here in florida :)

  7. It sure looks picture perfect! But brrrrrrrrrr .... I think I like seeing it and not feeling it!

  8. Whoa! What a great time. I love the photos. I'm adding a trip to VT to my bucket list. Did you buy any maple syrup? I hear they have some of the most beautiful farms in VT. We went sledding instead of skiing. There were 12 of us....too many to keep track of to go skiing, but we had a lot of fun.

  9. Oh my! I love Bennington-almost went to college there. Great pics! xoxo


  10. Hey Paula. What a fun trip. Everything is so beautiful. It's always been a dream of mine to go to Vermont. Maybe one day. That's a picture postcard.

    Hugs...Tracy :)


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