Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Winter Decor

IMG_2522 After Christmas I like to shake things up a bit and redecorate with a winterish theme.  It took me forever to figure out what to put where.  I like what I came up with and will enjoy it until it’s time to change it out for spring.

IMG_2531 My mantel has a Vermont theme in honor of our Christmas ski trip.  I found this neat plate for $10.00 in a little antique shop and built my mantel decor around it.

IMG_2375 I framed these two VT postcards years and years ago and found them to coordinate perfectly.  We biked through the covered bridge and stopped for a drink at the red store.  Great memories!

IMG_2386 I sprayed some Curly Willow sticks from my yard gold for the arrangements on the sides.

IMG_2390 I bought this yellow container just before Christmas for a little of nothing from a junk/antique store in Staunton.  Curly willow fills it, too.

IMG_2530 My Econolite, glittered pinecones, and red sumac create a wintery look on this chest.

IMG_2527Mr. SP’s mom made this runner for me years ago.  I made all of the balls in the bowl except for the green ones.


IMG_2535 I pulled out some very old jugs that I hadn’t used in a long while to create a wintery look for the pie safe.  My granddaddy used this scoop in one of his barns.  The shoe form on the scale was my grandmother’s.

IMG_2533It’s fun to switch accessories around for the seasons.  Now if I could just muster up the energy to undecorate the tree.  Yes, it’s still decorated and I light it up every night.  


  1. Your house always looks beautiful Paula.

    You didn't mention those bird pictures in the oval frames. I love them!!! There is a big antique market near the airport once a month. A guy there has a huge collection of beautiful wildlife and botanical prints. I went down there last weekend to look. Didn't buy anything, but I definately intend to go back in the next month or two. I need new wall hangings. Wanna come down and go with me?

  2. Oh what a wonderful wintery setting! I love your curly willow.

  3. I love it! I finally got all the trees undecorated (we had way too many...eight, yikes!) But the real tree is still sitting in the living room because DOTR hasn't taken it out to the curb for me and it's 8 1/2 ft. tall, so I am not even going to attempt it myself! We got it the 2nd week of December and it is still soft and the needles have barely dropped. Best tree ever.

    You're so creative...wish I had that vision!

  4. So much to like here! I like all the jugs grouped together, and the shoe form is so neat. :) Your mantle looks great!

  5. Paula, it all looks so perfect. I'm curious about the artwork that hangs over your mantle. Did you make those? They make such a statement in the room and are perfect with the colors. Great job!

  6. Wonderful selection of items. It is the treasures we have stashed aways that always 'make' the look.

  7. I like the Vermont theme...what a wonderful way to remember a great vacation!! I also love how you used the willow branches from your yard. They look fabulous in your thrifty jugs and vases!!


  8. Once again I'm amazed Paula. You need to do a post entirely on the balls that are in the bowl. A "How To" post about what you use and how to make them. I wish I had that decorating/craftiness talent that a lot of people seem to have, but that was not one of the blessing that God decided to give to me. I can do a lot of things, but having an eye for decorating and creating is just not me. I can copy things if shown how. My craftiness come from copying what others have done. Your home is beautiful. It has a livable elegant feel to it. Not the don't touch anything museum feel and look. Kudos.

  9. Your living room looks wonderful. I like the wing chairs by the fireplace and the tilt top table between them. You have some nice wood pieces. I like your bowl of balls. Very wintery. I saw curly willow for the first time about ten years ago. It was used to decorate at a wedding. It was in all the floral arrangements and made the florals absolutely beautiful. I talked about the flowers for weeks because of the cw.
    I couldn't understand why you had VT postcards framed on the mantel. Duh--I was thinking Virginia Tech, not Vermont. A little slow here tonight at Applejack Lane.

  10. fab job - in the UK we don't really do things like this, and I've been speaking to the Mrs about doing it. I think changing pictures and curtains can make a massive difference so I think we'll start there.
    Bravo on such a nice job :D

  11. You have a beautiful home and I love the bird prints too.


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