Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lazy Girl Designs Wonder Wallet

Mr. SP’s mom was a fabulous seamstress and quilter.  One Sunday I spent a little time going through her many unfinished projects and ran across a pattern for Lazy Girl Designs Wonder Wallet.  The directions were simple and I knew I could use some of my fabric scraps to make one without having to buy a thing.  Many moons ago I made a purse with these two fabrics.  I found the button in Granny’s sewing box.


A more experience seamstress would have sewn the button on in a way that would not show the stitches on the velcro. 


So many pockets!


There’s even a coin area.


It’s the perfect size to carry when you don’t need a big purse or wallet.  It would also be perfect to keep in a gym bag or a tennis bag.  I have a few friends with birthdays coming up, a wallet would make a good gift idea.


The process of making something like this is the fun part for me.  I get great pleasure in turning scraps of fabric into something fun and useful. 


  1. These small wallets are so in vogue right now. Many ladies are tired of battling a big purse when they go out shopping and all they really need to shop is a credit/debit card and a little cash. Great project!

  2. Very cute, Paula!!! Are you going to share the pattern??????? :D


  3. It's adorable!!! :) Love the fabric patterns and colors. I'm not too good with using patterns....

  4. Visible stitches or not, that is just cute. Pretty colors too.

  5. Very cute, and I know what you mean about making something out of scraps...There is just something wonderful out of finding some wonderful use for what would have otherwise been thrown away.

  6. Hi Paula, Your Wonder Wallet turned out beautifully! Great job. Joan

  7. Hi Paula, I just had to say, my name is Paula also and my fathers pet name for me as a child was SweatPea and to this day it is my favorite flower! Your little wallets are very cute!

  8. What a great fabric choice. Looks so spring like too. So nice to carry when you want your hands free of a big bag. Good job!

  9. Very cute..thanks for sharing...Pat H

  10. This ia really cute! It would be great for traveling or carrying a small purse on spacial occasions!

  11. It's totally adorable!

    I SO wish I could SEW!

    Have I mentioned that before?

    I love the fabric too! So bright and happy!


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