Sunday, February 21, 2010

An Updated Cushion for an Antique Rocking Chair

This rocking chair belonged to my great grandfather.  It was always in our basement family room when I was growing up and it is super comfortable.  Mama let me have it a long time ago and it has been residing in my guest room ever since.
Mama recovered the cushion in the 1970’s when she and my dad inherited it from its original Maryland home.  The fabric was really pretty when Mama originally recovered the cushion, but it is now worn out.  Time for a change!
I took the cushion apart and was not sure what I would find as I removed staple after staple and tack after tack.  Not bad so far…
A few of the springs and many of the connecting wires were broken.
Mr. SP to the rescue!  He worked a little of his magic to repair what was broken.
I love having a handy husband. 
I found a bit of interesting history written on the wood.  My great aunt must have had this seat made in 1957 for $6.50.  She probably inherited the chair around that time and the original cushion must have been beyond repair.
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A local fabric store sells remnant fabric folds ranging in size from 1 – 5 yards.  I found a 2.5 yard fold for $15.00 to use for this project.  I bought some foam and batting from a local upholstery store for $13.00.  I ended up not using the foam because it made the cushion too tall for the chair.  I used the cover that my mom made as a guide for making my cover.
Much Better!
I am as pleased as punch with this project.  It didn’t cost a lot and it gives this chair a much needed update.
MM kimbaDIY125   weekend party button
I’m linking my project to Susan’s Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch, Kimba’s DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land, and Jen’s Weekend Wrap Up Party at Tatertots and Jello.
Be sure to check back this week because I’m hosting my first GIVE AWAY!


  1. Great job! Love the new fabric

  2. Paula, that looks fantastic!!! How lucky you are to have Mr. SP.....he is handy! And the rocker is fantabulous!!


  3. I love how you used the old fabric as a guide. Very smart! I'll have to try that.

  4. Beautiful job! I have my great grandmothers oak rocker and have recovered twice over the years. It's in the lower level den - which will be shown tomorrow in Part 2. Hope you'll stop by to see!


  5. Wow, that's a great job from both of you. Love the fabric. You did a great job with the piping, making a real professional job.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  6. Wow, what a great job! Love the fabric you chose.

  7. Well done Mr. and Mrs. SP. It looks lovely. I love old treasures like this.

  8. First of all, what a wonderful treasure you have! Beautiful chair. Now I love the fabric you've chosen to cover the chair seat with and what a great job you did. You even added piping! Oh, it's just so wonderful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Great project. Love the history behind it!

  10. Looks wonderful. How special for you to have this chair that has made it through a few generations. Your grandkids will love it too :-)

  11. Paula this looks fantastic! You all really did a wonderful job. It's so pretty and the fabric is perfect for it.

    Thanks for coming by and your kind words. I'll check out your giveaway when you post.

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  12. OMG-piping! You can do it all You have something to crow about!

    Now, I have a daybed that needs some help...

  13. What a nice chair. I love the curvy arms and legs with the straight back- keeps it from looking overly feminine. You are so lucky to have all these awesome pieces from your family. Great job on the seat! The piping really kicks it up a notch!

  14. WOW!!! Mr. SP looks so handsome working out his handy skills. ;) It is nice to have a handy husband...I wish mine would get better so I can put him to work. ;)

    Love your new fabric, and I'm excited to see your first Giveaway!

  15. That's very nice. Did you do the piping as well?? I'm impressed.

  16. Love the fabric! It looks great! Good job!

  17. Beautiful job on the rocking chair. I love the fabric you chose for it.

  18. Great chair and the fabric compliments it perfectly. Good job!

  19. What a wonderful chair and an equally wonderful story and photos, both about the chair and its history, as well as how you transformed the piece with that fabulous fabric!~ Well done!..,

    I would also like to warmly invite you to visit "my little corner of the blogging world" for a cyber afternoon tea on Wednesday @ Silken Purse blog my dear!..,

    Cheers from Wanda Lee @ Silken Purse and also @ The Plumed Pen

  20. Oh love it and the fabric is super cute.

    Great job!

    Kendra "Domestic Princess in Training"

  21. Wow! It looks so fantastic!

    I too have a handy husband and I LOVE it!

  22. Awesome transformation! I love the fabric you used too. And how cool that it is a sentimental piece!

    Thanks for linking it up to my party!!!




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