Friday, February 26, 2010

What I’m Reading

I have done very little reading since the summer other than blogs and magazines.  I read a book or two while we were on vacation in Vermont, but that’s been about it. 

I strained my back a week ago and haven’t been able to run or go to the gym.  I picked up three books at the library to enjoy while I’m soaking in the tub and while I enjoy some quality time with my sofa.  My back is on the mend and I’m hoping to be back to running and the gym very soon.

I wasn’t sure if I’d like this book, but I haven’t been able to put it down.  It’s a book of letters and the characters already feel like friends to me.  I want to go to the Channel Islands to meet them!  I hope it is based on fact because I feel like I’m learning WWII history while I read.

I love Rita Mae Brown’s Mrs. Murphy series and Sister Jane fox hunting series.  This book is the most recent fox hunting one.  I grew up riding horses and regret that I never had the opportunity to hunt.  Rita Mae is Mama’s neighbor and I love that I am familiar with many of the names and places that she mentions in her books.  Rita Mae is a very kind person and has been a good neighbor to Mama.

book cover of 

Hounded to Death 

 (Jane Arnold, book 7)


Rita Mae Brown

I read the most recent in Jennifer Chiaverini’s Circle of Quilters series in Vermont.  I really enjoyed it and hope that this one will be just as good.

If you’ve read a good book recently, please leave a comment so that I can enjoy it, too.  Many times I’ll get to the library and won’t be able to find a thing that I want to read.  It would be nice to keep a running list of books that come recommended.

If you haven’t entered my GIVE AWAY, be sure to click here to enter.


  1. The Guernsey literary was one of our first Book Club books this year and everyone enjoyed it. I'll look into the other 2. Thanks!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. I have read the Guernsey literarty... book and Quilters Homecoming. I enjoyed both of them. I just finished The Help.My book club read it and everyone really enjoyed it. I am sure you would too. Have a great day and happy reading!

  3. One of my favorite from 2009 is The Help.. Really good read. I am now reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Very interesting.

  4. I was going to suggest The Help too. Although, you might have to wait on it from the library. I've heard a rumor that the author is going to speak at my church in the next few months. :) Can't wait.

  5. I am going to have to try The Guernsey Literary again. I wasn't able to get into it this summer but have heard such great things.

    Last momnth our book club read a memoir by Ruth Reichl called TENDER AT THE BONE. She was a food critic for the NY Times and I really enjoyed the book. There are recipes mixed in between the stories and we each brought a dish. I highly recommend the rice!

    Next month's pick is THE 19TH WIFE by David Ebershoff.

  6. I just finished "The Endless Forrest" by Sara Donati. It is the 6th and final book in a series of hers that began with "Into the Wilderness". Anyone who liked the Diana Gabledon Outlander series would love these books too.


  7. Not much of a reader and this day and time most has been childrens books, Splat the Cat was the last one we't think you would want to add this one to your list but it was a cute book.

  8. I'm reading Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series right now. The books are very long, and filled with a lot of "extra" stuff that I think is sometimes a bit too much, but I love the plot! :)

  9. I have a stack of books that I should be reading. When I start a good book, I get nothing else done. I usually save my books for when I fly. So sorry about your back, hope it's better soon. No gym time translates into lots of good reading time!

  10. I'm enjoying a series of Michael Lee West's books a.k.a Designs by Gollum in blog world. Right now I'm reading American Pie. I've read 4 and love them all!

  11. Hi Paula, I'm probably one of the few people who just couldn't get into this book! I think it's because I didn't sit and read for a few hrs. at a time and I couldn't keep having to go back to figure out who the characters were. I still have the book and know it must be good. I did finish "The Help" and LOVED it! It really kept my attention, plus needed to finish it for a book club I'm in. Sorry you hurt your back!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your injury...I hope you're quickly back to your healthy self!

    Thanks for the reading tips...I haven't read anything for so long, which is sad, because I LOVE reading!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!