Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Why My Blog Rocks!

My Blog Rocks Party

I try to appear confident on the outside, but on the inside I’m insecure and a bundle of nerves. Writing this post makes me nervous, but here I go!

Amanda at Serenity Now for Amanda had a great idea this week – a party for all of the bloggers not going to Blissdom. Honestly, I really don’t even know exactly what Blissdom is. I just know a lot of bloggers have been talking about going. Never-the-less, I’m always up for a party!

Now I’m going to tell you why My Blog Rocks. I hope you’ll agree and want to come back for another visit.

Rocking Reason One

I love to craft and if I make something I try to show how I did it so that others can do the same thing. I usually can’t come up with the idea, but I sure can copy!

My recent favorites are:

The “S” I did for our front door for Christmas made me happy every day for a month.


We burned these salted candles until they caught on fire late one night.


These pretty cards didn’t cost a penny to make!


Rocking Reason Two

I love to cook and especially love to try new recipes. I share the ones that I think others will enjoy and I also enjoy sharing my tried and true recipes.

Recently I shared Beer Cheese Spread and Game Day Chili. These would be perfect for Super Bowl Sunday.

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Rocking Reason Three

There’s always a project going on at the Sweet Pea casa. Right now we are putting in a new driveway and I’m documenting the project along the way.


I’m also documenting the progress on my Mom’s Walnut Avenue home. I haven’t been there in a few months and I can’t wait to go again to see what she’s accomplished.

Waynesboro 1

Rocking Reason Four

I love to decorate seasonally. It’s fun to collect seasonal decorations and use them in new ways from year to year. I enjoy sharing my decorations on my blog.

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Rocking Reason Five

I love flowers, love to garden, and love to share pictures of what I grow.

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I did it! I came up with five reasons why my blog rocks and do you know what? I really do think it rocks. Please visit again soon and be sure to check out all the links at Amanda’s party.


  1. Your blog DOES rock,'re always up to something interesting!


  2. Hugs to you, Paula!! I think so many of us are much more insecure than we let on. You are not alone. :)

    You did a great job with your list. For me, your blog rocks b/c you always have a fun project going on...whether it's a recipe, a craft, or sharing how you decorated a room. I love it. One of my favorite things here is when you follow your mom's progress on Walnut Avenue. Fun!

    Thank you so much for linking up!!! :)

  3. i am new to you and your blog but i have to echo amanda and suzanne... your blog rocks!!! you are so creative and a joy to read and to see all your goodies!
    many blessings

  4. Rock on, Paula! I love you and your blog because you are honest and sincere. And I love all the great and beautiful projects you do. Can't wait to see more of your driveway and Mom's lovely home!
    Have a beautiful day!

  5. I'm visiting through Amanda's party, and this is my first time here. I like your list and the photos you included! The "S" door hanging is really pretty!

  6. You and your blog do ROCK Paula! Horray! I've been reading it for well over a year now. Great job!

    Love the "S" wreath. Pretty!

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  7. You have an awesome rockin blog. I'm so happy to see the faux choc. bunny!!! I love all your creative ideas and also the recipe you share.

  8. Visiting through Amanda's party, and I'm glad I found your blog! I've added you to my reader - you really do rock!

  9. I love home blogs...but getting to see 2 houses in one blog... Im excited to follow along on your journey :)

  10. Hi! I'm stopping over from Amanda's. Your blog totally rocks! I'm so in love with your christmas "s"! I wish my last initial was formed in one continuous line. Maybe I could still make an "f"? Anyway, nice to meet you!

  11. I'm new to your blog (from Amanda's party) and I like what I see! Beautiful flowers, BTW.
    I'm going to keep looking.

  12. Rock the house. Yep. I agree, you run a rockin' blog over here. And I want your house. And/or your mom's house. Just let me know when I can head over and pick them up.


  13. Do NOT, I repeat, NOT feel nervous at all-- your blog DOES rock!

    I'm especially impressed with that holiday-decoration in the shape of an "S"-- that is awesome. I also love that your home is always in the state of "progress"-- that was my place for a long time, and now that everything is finished, I'm itching to start something new (scratch that: I'm itching for DH to start something new!!!).

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  14. Hi! Stopping in from Amandas Party...that beer dip looks amazing..wish I could reach through the screen and dip dip dip!
    Rockin blog...I'll be back!

  15. Those are definitely great reasons to bring me back! Nice to "meet" you!

    Can't wait to snoop around some more!

  16. Great Blog!! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  17. I want to EAT your Rockin' Reason #4 - - - well, the chocolate bunny in it anyway!

  18. Your blog really does rock! What a beautiful place you have here! :)

  19. Sounds like five good reasons to come by and see what you are doing this week. Way to go.

  20. Yes your Blog rock,love it...thanks for sharing..Pat H

  21. Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a great blog! I am so impressed with your gardening. I kill everything! I have a black thumb! I've got to try that cheese/beer dip! Sounds GREAT!

  22. I do love your blog, and it does Rock!! Love the pics and can't wait to see more in the future!! xoxo

  23. Great blog! :) I love that S! Too bad a B would probably be too hard, lol. The candles are really great, too!.

    Im visiting from Amanda's party!

  24. Hi there Paula... this is CJ from The Mommy Blog. Your blog looks so clean and you look like a clean n crafty person. I'd say your blog rocks! What I want to know is how do you store and organize all those crafts??

  25. Your blog does rock!!

    I love the pictures. You make everything look so clear and do-able.

    You have the best ideas.

    Lorrie :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I truly appreciate each and every one!