Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Beach Weekend

Mr. SP and I headed to the beach last weekend with two other couples that we know through tennis.  One couple plans to retire to the beach and we were fortunate enough to stay in their wonderful beach house.

I never get tired of looking at the water.


Friday we went for a bike ride in the morning.


Then we went out for lunch.  Our friends keep a convertible at their house, so we squeezed in and enjoyed the sun.


Bootsie and Proctor are so cute and were such nice hosts for our fun weekend.



Mr. SP manages to find a dog friend just about everywhere he goes.  The man really wants a dog. 


We spent the afternoon walking on the beach looking for fossilized shark’s teeth.  Everyone found one except for me.  Talk about looking for a needle in a haystack!


Boy did it feel good to be barefoot with my toes in the sand.


Cocktail time!


The warm sun and wine put Donna to sleep!


We went to Wilmington for dinner. 


Saturday we toured Fort Fisher which was used both in the Civil War and in WWII. 



Then we hopped on the ferry to Southport for lunch.  We ate in a little hole in the wall next to the water.  You ordered at the counter and then they brought your food to you.



The cooks wore very funny t-shirts.


The shrimp were the best that I’ve had in a long time. 


We had to wait on the ferry for our return trip so we all grabbed a rocking chair and enjoyed sitting in the sun.


Then it was back to shark’s tooth hunting…still no luck for me!


By then it was 5 o’clock and you know what that means when you’re on beach time….


We spent the rest of the evening hanging around the house relaxing.  Rob insisted that we watch Wake Forest play and then begged us to change the channel later in the game.

Sunday it was time to go home.  A weekend at the beach is never long enough, but summer will be here soon enough when we can stay longer.

I’ve really been dragging this week.  I think that all of the fun I had over the weekend wore me out!


  1. Paula, my brother lives in Oak Island near Wilmington- what a great weekend! Those little beach spots are the best for seafood! Great post!
    xoxo pattie

  2. Glad you had a fun time bumming at the beach. Don't you just love those holes in the wall that serve the best food ever instead of those chain troughs?

  3. Looks so fun. What a GREAT beach house!

    Funny about Mr. Sweet Pea finding a dog wherever you go - - - so does Fisherhubby. We spend two weeks in the northwoods of WI in July, and there is a dog there that we think of as our own - - - Cheney.

  4. Ooops - - - I forgot something - - - what beach is this? What state - - -???

  5. It looks like you had a wonderful time with your friends. Great post, Paula!


  6. Ahh... let Mr. SP have a dog.

    Looks like a fun weekend!

  7. I love reading other people's traveling posts. :) Looks like you had a blast!! I am such a beach girl, but we can't use our family condo anymore (deadbeat aunt lives there now) and it's hard to spend much time out in the sun with the little ones tagging along. I can enjoy myself vicariously through your photos. :)

    Those shrimp were huge!!!

  8. Oh I miss the beach, can't wait until we start going again. Great photos, it was fun to read. This was in NC right. We usually go to Topsail.

  9. Girl, I just want to live in your life for a while (and I want to be called Bootsie!).

  10. OH, HOW FUN!!! I so miss the beach! Looks like y'all had a great time. The food looks wonderful!!!


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