Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Book Recommendations

Thanks to all of you who recommended books for me to add to my reading list. 

The Help by Kathryn Stockett was the most recommended and will go to the top of my list.  Thanks to Domestic Designer, ritad, Nancy, and Donna for letting me know how much you enjoyed this book.


Biscuits are Never Boring recommended Tender at the Bone by Ruth Reichl which features recipes mixed in with the story.  I love a book with recipes!

Ritad also suggested The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.

Amanda recommended the Outlander series.  Jen from Tatertots and Jello just mentioned how much she likes this book in a recent post.  This book is on my library list for sure!

Lorrie said that if you like the Outlander series, then you’ll like The Endless Forest.  I may get this for my mom for her birthday.  I think that she would love it and then I could read it, too.

book cover of 

The Endless Forest 

 (Wilderness , book 6)


Sara Donati

Mid-Atlantic Martha suggested American Pie by Michael Lee West.  (AKA Designs by Gollum!)  This looks like a great summer read.

A special shout-out goes to Steph from Living Life in the Low Country for sending me Whistling in the Dark by Lesley Kagen.  I predict that this will be my spring break read.  Getting a package in the mail after a long Monday at school was a great treat.

Whistling in the Dark

If you haven’t entered my GIVEAWAY, today is your last chance.  I’ll announce the winner tomorrow.


  1. The Help is our book club book this month ( my choice after asking around)- so far all I've heard is "I can't put it down!"

  2. Thanks Paula for this great list of favorites from other bloggers. I have only read one other you have listed (besides The Help) and that was The Lovely Bones. It was a good read too. I read The Help rather quickly!

  3. Yay!! I have some reads to add to MY list now! ;)

    Just a note...Jen and I agreed that there are some pretty graphic scenes, but the overall plot was good enough that we kept reading.

    Everyone I know who has read the first book says it starts REALLY slow (you'll be like, "What the heck? I thought this was supposed to be exciting!") and then out of nowhere after about 50 pages it picks up immediately and is a really exciting read.:)

  4. The Help is next on my reading list. Can't wait to start.

  5. Sounds like a great list to add.

  6. Paula, I just found Miss Janice's blog tonight. She is a hoot. One of her posts was about the book she chose for her book club, and she entertained with foods from the book. I have laughed my way through some of her posts. She often includes pictures of what she is wearing. Her is the link:

  7. You will not be disappointed with "The Help". You found some great book suggestions...thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh Paula, if you enjoy a book with recipes, I hope you have read Heartburn by Nora Ephron. It's an old book. There was a movie made by the same name with Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson. Fun book and it has recipes! The movie was fun too.

  9. Paula, I think I will "borrow" some of your recommended reads for future reference.

  10. Paula, The Endless Forrest is the 6th book in the series. Be sure to get "Into the Wilderness" which is the 1st book.



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