Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Mama

Today is my Mama’s 65th birthday.  On Easter Sunday we celebrated Mama’s birthday (7th), Mr. SP’s birthday (8th), and my father-in-laws birthday (22nd) along with celebrating Easter.

I couldn’t decide which cake I wanted to make, but this pink lemonade cake caught my eye in Southern Lady magazine, so I decided to give it a try.  It was really good and I’d make it again.  The cake has Country Time Pink Lemonade in the batter and the icing includes Minute Maid Lemonade concentrate. I love the tartness of lemon.



Mama made a delicious Easter/Birthday dinner.  We had fried chicken, ribs, mac and cheese, stewed tomatoes, carrot slaw, deviled eggs, and rolls.

Rich gave Mama a liquid gift and you can see that they didn’t hesitate to open it.


Three April birthdays pose with the cake. 



After lunch we had an Easter egg hunt.  We took turns hiding the eggs for Reese and then she hid them for the adults. 



It was a beautiful Easter Sunday in Virginia.


Now I need to decide what kind of cake to make today for Mr. SP’s birthday tomorrow.


  1. Paula, it looks like a beautiful day- and a beautiful cake! I've been trying to convince my husband to consider a move to VA. So gorgeous
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Hi Paula, What a lovely day it was to celebrate all those birthdays. Please, please give your Mama a BIG birthday hug for me, will you? That cake does look so good. I saw it in So. Lady. Your Easter dinner takes me back to my days in Va. Sounds soooo good. If I could get my family to go with me, I would love to move back to Va. :)

  3. What a great looking group! Happy Birthday to them all! You look like your mom. She has beautiful skin. Does she have a secret?

  4. That's alot of birthdays for sure Paula! Our busiest birthday month is December of all months! No fair!
    That last picture of the countryside was gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your Easter with us.

  5. This looks like a great girlfriend cake! Happy Birthday, Mama! :Hope Mr. SP has a great day tomorrow, and your father-in-law on the 22nd. Birthdays are good for you!

  6. The cake looks oh so yummy! Happy Birthday to your beautiful mom!


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