Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tree Peony in Bloom

First of all, thanks to all of you who gave me great suggestions for picking out a shade for my lamp.  I've got some great ideas, now I just need to shop for the shade.

Now on to a little garden talk...

My bulbs are finished and my Iris are just starting to bloom.  What's really putting on a show right now in my yard is my Tree Peony.  I love this plant!  It has large blooms and is such a pretty color.  I also like that it blooms before my regular Peonies.  Mama gave this to me for my birthday one year.  It came from Andre Viette's in Fishersville.  My Virginia readers may recognize this nursery.

Another great thing about this plant is that it is deer resistant.  I really would like a bouquet for my house, but I don't have the heart to cut a single pretty bloom from this plant.  I hope that all of the walkers and runners in my neighborhood are enjoying the beauty of the blooms as much as I am.


  1. I simply love your peony tree in bloom, its really lovely !

  2. I just love peonies -- one of my favorite flowers. And, I can't grow them in my yard (not enough sun), so I always stop to enjoy them on my walks around the neighborhood. So, I'm sure the same is true in your neighborhood!

  3. Peonies are my favorite..I used to have 2 in the front yard of my old house...the blooms get really heavy and fall to the ground...this always makes me sad...Does this happen with the tree? I am familiar with this nursery...It is great!

  4. I'm envious that you have that color blooming in your yard already!

  5. Oh...I love peonies.

    I just featured your soda pop flowers on my blog. Thank you!


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