Thursday, May 27, 2010

Post Birthday Report

Thanks to all who gave me great suggestions for landscaping my front beds.  I really appreciate your thoughtful comments.  I hope to implement some of them as soon as I can.

I had a great birthday.  My students were so sweet to me telling me happy birthday all day long.  A few of them even gave me presents!  One sweet girl baked cookies and gave me a cute bracelet.  Another brought a potted Begonia in for me.  Three other girls gave me a Walmart gift card.  They made me feel so special!

Mr. SP surprised me with a really unique gift, he had two chairs made for our patio!  The Hokie Bird chair is mine and the Wisconsin one is his.  I am tickled pink and keep going outside to look at them.  We’re having a birthday party/cookout here on Sunday with friends to celebrate my birthday.  I can’t wait for our friends to see these chairs, there will be at least one Hokie and one Badger guest among the bunch. The company that made these chairs might get a few more orders after our friends see these!


Mr. SP also gave me a cocktail shaker, something I’ve wanted one for a long time.  I’ll have to come up with a specialty cocktail to make for the party.  I also was surprised with a very sparkly necklace that I love. 

I love cake, especially birthday cake!  This one tastes as good as it looks.  It won’t last long around here!

CakeI am so much looking forward to a three day weekend.  I’m planning on running and playing tennis Saturday morning and then attending my niece’s dance recital Saturday night.  It’s a 2 1/2 hour drive each way to the recital, which means that the majority of my day will be spent either driving and watching dancing.  She’s in six dances and I can’t wait to see her perform.

Our boat is broken, so a fun day on the lake is probably not in the cards for this weekend, but the pool opens and I do believe that a lounge chair is calling my name.  Sunday just might be a gardening and pool day followed by my birthday cookout.

I plan to run a 10K on Monday to benefit the local kidney association.  My friend is in charge of it and even though I really don’t want to run the race, I’ll do it to support her charity.  

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend.  What are your plans?


  1. Sounds like a jammed packed weekend. The chairs are cool and quite unique. Have a safe Memorial Day and enjoy your party!

  2. Sounds like Cosmo time to me!!! Just in time for the new SATC movie!!

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Love the chairs!!! Have a great weekend.

  4. That is so sweet that your kids at school remembered your bday! How thoughtful. :)

    It sounds like you have a busy, but fun weekend planned. :)

  5. Oh my gracious! What sweet students you have!! How thoughtful!

    Your chairs are sooo cool! I've never seen anything like those. What a sweet Mr. SP you have!

    The lake is not in our weekend plans either, unfortunately. I think this is the first Memorial Day we haven't been at the lake since I was twelve.

    Have soo much fun at your niece's recital and at your party!!!

  6. Happy Birthday! I hope that you had a great day.

    Hey, you were one of the winners of my give away. Drop me an email with your mailing address & I'll send you your goodies!

  7. Wonderful gifts!!!! I hope you have a great Memorial Day.

  8. Your hubby is a keeper; those chairs are too cool !


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