Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Week in Review

This past week was a whirl-wind of activity.  We had SOL testing all week at school making it a long week for both the teachers and the students.  Testing continues this week.  I may be totally grey by the time this school year is over.  (14 more days!)

Our school sponsored a Relay for Life team last weekend.  We had bunches and bunches of fund raiser activities to raise money.  One was a raffle for a Longaberger basket and I won.  I’m really not into baskets but I think that this one will be really useful for entertaining. 


My mom did indeed find a renter for her house and has to be out June 1.  She has been packing some days and working on her house restoration other days.  I know she is worn out!  I hope to be able to help her next weekend.

We had a cool, wet week in Virginia which was great for our new grass.  It’s starting to look like a lawn and not a straw covered mud pit.


We had our first party last night on the new patio.  Mr. SP got the table and chairs for his birthday.  We’ve had them in the basement just waiting to be used.


I set Granny’s card table on the deck with one of her tablecloths for the food.


We filled the fire pit with ice to serve as a cooler for the party.


The ladies drank Beer Margaritas.  These are so easy and so good!  Combine a can of Limeade concentrate, 20 oz Sprite, one Corona, and pour in a Limeade can of Tequila.  I use Sprite Zero and Corona light to make them a little less caloric.


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After dinner, we dumped the ice out of the fire pit, made a fire and then toasted marshmallows for S’mores.  It was a really fun night. 

I’m hosting a retirement party for one of our guidance counselors this coming Wednesday after school.  I’ll need to have everything ready Tuesday night as everyone is leaving school for the party as soon as the bell rings.  Everyone is bringing something, so all I have to do is set everything up and mix Beer Margaritas. 

It’s a beautiful Sunday in Virginia.  I’m hoping to mulch my vegetable garden today.  Mr. SP and I finished planting it yesterday.  We have tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, and corn.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



  1. I used to sell Longaberger and that is my favorite basket...the cake basket. I'd suggest ordering the plastic protector and then you can use it for a lot more things. I used to do a whole spiel on all the different things you can do with the cake basket!

  2. My, you have been busy! How I hated SOL testing! But you received a great gift in the basket. I love mine. I can carry two dishes to one event.
    The outside looks great. I know it was fun using it to entertain.
    I gave up gardening five years ago. Now I am resigned to a few pepper and tomato plants in containers.
    And your mother has to be out by June 1? When it rains, it pours! I'll be thinking of you both.

  3. Looks like fun..have a great week...Pat H

  4. What a great party!!! :) LOVE that last photo. :)

  5. Beer margaritas? I am soooo gonna try that! I love Margaritas and beer, so why not the combo?! Can't wait to try it. The patio and drive looks FANTASTIC!

    Your basket is cool!

  6. Thanks for your sweet visit! What a great basket -- hope you'll get good use from it -- I have a couple I bought years ago and they've held up very well. Looks like a fun party at your house and your new driveway looks wonderful!


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