Thursday, June 3, 2010

Crafting Disaster

My friend Amanda from Serenity Now for Amanda spotlighted a really cool craft in her “Weekend Bloggy Reading” on April 23.  Jennifer of Hope Studios made a neat necklace out of old t-shirts.  I couldn’t stop thinking about this necklace and couldn’t wait to make my own.

Notice how glamorous Jennifer looks while sporting her t-shirt necklace.


I carefully followed Martha Stewart’s directions to make my own necklace and this is what I ended up with on my first attempt.

IMG_4027I wasted two perfectly good Old Navy shirts on this disaster.  The Old Navy shirts didn’t curl when the material was stretched.  Trash it!

I raided Mr. SP’s t-shirt pile for two 100% cotton shirts that would coil when stretched.  Instead of looking glamorous like Jennifer, I look like I have t-shirt strips wrapped around my neck.  Another one bites the dust!

IMG_4039 Disaster!  I think I’ll stick with wearing normal necklaces!


  1. Bummer. I guess you win some, you lose some, eh?? I could write a novel about my failed craft attempts. ;)

  2. Hey Paula. Thanks for making me laugh this morning. I'm sure it was pretty frustrating while you were doing it. Still it made a great blog post and you've got such a fun sense of humor about it.

    Smiling, Tracy :)

  3. Just stopping by and thought I'd leave a comment. Hope you don't mind.

    This just made me laugh! I can't tell you have many crafing ideas I've tried out only to have them end in disaster. I'm so not crafty or creative.

    But hey, sounds like you're not a quitter. You gave it 2 tries! Better luck with the next craft project!

  4. Try braiding them...I have seen where some people braid and make the cutest necklaces from scrape material.

  5. least you tell the truth about trying something..I wonder how many other crafters have failed and not shared with us...I like the whole person not just the ones who share all the great stuff...I can't see everyone being perfect so I give you kudos for sharing some mess ups also...but do try the braids, they would look to cute!

  6. That brought a smile and laugh to my day -- thanks, we've all been there.

  7. Well you'd look cute in anything but these may be pushing it a little. I actually kinda like that first one on you. I've got a box full of craft bloopers in the basement that I plan to fix.....right.

  8. Paula, that is priceless!

    Thanks for sharing. Loved it.

    Onward and upward into greater blooopers. OH, and Happy New Year, too!


    Sheila :-)

  9. Thanks for sharing...too funny!

  10. Oh, wow, that's too funny! I see beautiful necklaces in your future! ;-) Thanks for the smile. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  11. Fabulous blooper! So glad you took the time to share it. Hate when I spend time on something and it fails! At least it was great for the bloopers!!


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