Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend Report

How was your Memorial Day weekend?  Ours was great! 

Friday after work we practiced tennis and were lucky to finish just before a giant storm blew through.  We got 1.75 inches on rain.  A big tree blew down on the edge of our backyard and we are lucky that it didn't hit our storage building.  It is hidden from view and is actually on our neighbor's property and not ours, so we'll probably leave it where it is.

Saturday I watched my niece dance in her annual recital.  She's so good and you can tell that she truly enjoys dancing.  Flash photography wasn't allowed and my pictures were a disappointing disaster. 

This is Reese with both of her grandmothers after the show.

Sunday was a great day.  Mr. SP and I played tennis in the morning and then worked in the yard all afternoon.  I worked in my vegetable garden, weeded flower beds, and spread some mulch.  You can see in the picture below that growing a garden around here is a constant battle with the deer.  My fence has one layer of deer netting with several strands of electric fence around that.  Stay out deer!

Mr. SP worked on building steps that will lead from our patio into the yard.  He didn't quite finish them, but he got a great start.

Sunday night we had nine friends over for a cookout/birthday celebration for me.  We had a great time sitting on the patio talking and laughing.  We are lucky to have great friends.

I didn't think we'd get to the lake this weekend because our boat has been under the weather.  The servicemen made a visit and it's now as good as new, so we drove to the lake for the day.  The weather on Monday was perfect for boating, it was hot, just like I like it!

This is my summertime happy place!
How would you like to slide through this?  I've never seen anyone use it and I don't think that I would ever have enough nerve to try it.

After the lake we made a stop at Lowe's so I could buy some variegated Liriope.  I decided to use this variety in the front of my house instead of the kind my friend gave me.  I was able to divide each pot into at least two pieces to plant.  Some of the pots I was able to split into four pieces.  This is a great way to save money on plants!  I didn't quite finish planting it before it was time to cookout with Mr. SP's dad, but I got a good start.

This is the last week of school.  I'll have to say that this year probably has been the best year of my 19 year career.  This will be a fun week for the kids.  We have our awards ceremony tomorrow, Wednesday is a field trip to the zoo in NC, Thursday we have faculty vs. students games, and Friday is a half day for students.  This week is sure to fly by! 

Have a good week!


  1. You and Mr SP had a busy weekend. The steps he's building look fab! Your new drive/walk way are amazing! Love the varigated liriope. Your home is so beautiful, I just love it.

  2. I'm curious as to what lake that is. I've spent a lot of time at Lake Gaston, right over the border into North Carolina, but with those mountains in the background, I know it's not that. Looks so relaxing.

  3. Your weekend sounds about 100% better than mine. ;) I love your new steps, and the lake photo is gorgeous! :)

  4. Sounds like a fun weekend.

    Your house is going to be so cute when your plants grow in. Not that it isn't already, but things just improve with mature plantings.

    And, I am so impressed with your gardening determination!! I'm so thankful I don't have to deal with deer. Your veggie garden looks great!

    Reese is getting so big!! I know she was so excited to have you there.

    Have a great week!!

  5. What is left to do after school is out? You two have done it all! Do you hire Mr. Sp out for projects? I hope you like the variegated liriope. I think it adds a lot of color throughout most of the year. I only trim it back in March for new growth to begin. What's your plan for the free plants?

  6. Very pretty lake photos! How fun and relaxing this looks.

    I really love your home and landscaping Paula! You all are doing a wonderful job on it. The garden fence is cool for the deer. I have never seen that before.

    Have a great evening. ~Melissa :)


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