Friday, July 23, 2010

Decorating With Shells

Summertime means beach time and if you can't be at the beach, why not bring the beach into your home?  I did a little decorating with shells to give my living room and dining room a touch of summer.

The mantel always gives me a hard time.  After countless trips up and down the steps for accessories, this is the end result.

I also did a vignette for the dining room.  We enter our home through this room so I actually see and enjoy this spot several times a day. 

I found the sea biscuit and shell to the right of it when Mama and I cleaned out her basement.  The rest of the shells and star fish were in my stash.

It's fun to decorate with the seasons.  Yesterday Phyllis Hoffman's Celebrate Fall arrived in the mail.  I'm hiding it for at least a month because I'm in full summer mode and not quite ready for fall.  Besides, it's been in the mid-90's here and who wants to think about fall when it's that stinking hot?
Have a great weekend!


  1. Paula, I LOVE your room- just perfect! We're looking for a new home and I so want the welcoming, comforting feel you have
    xoxo Pattie

  2. I love the sea shells. I have them scattered around my house as well. They make me smile!
    A friday's favorite for sure :-)

  3. I was just wondering yesterday about Celebrate Fall!! Wonder if JoAnns will have it yet.....

    Your mantel looks fabulous, and I really like the vignette. :)

  4. Since you spend a lot of time at the beach, I think this looks perfect for your home.

    Forgot to comment on your bureau with the chocolate set yesterday. Love it, love it, love it!

  5. I love the beachy look!

    I have to admit I am starting to get a hangering for fall...and Christmas! I know it's only July...but I miss Christmas time!

    I even have purchased a few Christmas gifts!

  6. so cute. i just did one myself. check it out:


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