Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

It's hot.  Really hot.  We spent yesterday on the lake enjoying the sun.  I'm not much on swimming in the lake.  I like crystal clear water where I can see what's beneath me.  It was so hot yesterday that a dip in the water was just what the doctor ordered.  I made sure we were in deep water so that I wasn't likely to touch anything suspicious.

Areas of the lake often look like a redneck yacht club.  We became official members yesterday.

Isn't this a pretty view for a refreshing dip?

Mr. SP went back to work today.  I've got a million projects that I'd like to accomplish, mostly in the yard.  I'm going to try to work in the heat but I may have to switch to indoor projects if it gets too brutal.  An hour or two by the pool might be in order for the afternoon.  What's on your agenda for today?


  1. That looks so inviting Paula! I know you enjoyed it. Sometimes we just have to take the plunge because of the brutal temps. Your lake setting looks absolutely beautiful. Is it Smith Mountain?

  2. I was hearing about the heat ya'll had this weekend. Don't throw anything at me, but we had a wonderful weekend. Very mild temps and low humidity. Abnormal for July. Alas, it is over. The heat & humidity is back on starting today. Still, not as bad as what ya'll have had though.

  3. I'm with you...sparkling clear water where nothing will come up and grab me. :s

    Natalie has swim lessons tonight, and I will probably get in the pool with Michaela Byrd b/c it is so stinkin' hot here!!

  4. Exactly what I love to do when it's really hot at the lake - - - go out deep and jump in where I'm not likely to TOUCH anything on the bottom!!

    That is a GORGEOUS view!

    There is a piece of property on "our" lake where a family camps and they hung up a sign that says "Redneck Riviera"

  5. I am working outside but the water looks awfully tempting!

  6. I'm a proud card carrying member of the Redneck Yacht Club! HA! I'm with ya though. The water under our dock is really deep. I don't do icky mud, seaweed, etc. under my feet and I have to keep moving so the fish don't bite my toes. EEEWW!

    Looks like y'all had fun!

  7. Oh wow, does that lake look refreshing...but please don't tell me they have snakes in that water! I'd never step foot in it otherwise!

    Today has been my running around day, heat and all!

  8. Any water would look good to us Virginians now. Dog days of summer is right! I just sent Kahlo back to Richmond to broil in the heat.

  9. we swam at smith mt lake one time after we dropped daughter off at college...rented a raft and floated...the lakes are beautiful down there! have fun!


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