Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stenciled Family Room Wall

Back in January we purchased a television that was too big to fit into our armoire.  Mr. SP just happened to be in the process of crafting a cabinet that ended up working as TV table once he shortened the legs.  We've enjoyed the new television but the blank wall behind it has driven me nuts. 


Are you wondering why the armoire is in the picture in August when we purchased the television in January?  My mom wants to use this armoire in her new house and we are waiting for her to finish her renovations so that we can move it from our home to hers.  We planned to store it in our basement until she is ready for it.  To put it in the basement requires carrying it through the dining area, across the deck, down the stairs, and then through the yard to the basement door.  We had a lot of snow in January and February and it just didn't melt.  Then in March our yard turned into a mud pit, thanks to our driveway project.  Neither of us wanted to try to carry this big thing through the mud.  Mr. SP hurt his MCL in April and couldn't do much of anything until June.  By this point we figured, why bother?  We've gotten pretty used to it sitting to the side of the room.  I'll bet when it is gone the room will look a lot larger to us!

I struggled with what to do with this wall.  My original idea was to create three panels with molding and then wallpaper the three areas.  I couldn't find any wallpaper that I liked and I was stumped.  Then Kate shared her fabulous painted trellis wall.  I knew when I saw her project that I wanted to do something similar in my home.  Shortly after that post, Kate shared a stenciled wall project sent to her by Courtney of Living Out Loud.  Click here to read Courtney's how-to post.

This is Kate's wall.  Isn't it gorgeous?

This is Courtney's wall.  It was love at first site for me!

Courtney used a purchased stencil while Kate made her own and hand painted it.  Courtney's way seemed easier, so I ordered the exact stencil that he used.  This stencil was expensive but worth every penny.

Now for my wall!  I didn't do the entire wall, just the area behind the TV between two windows.

It took about two hours to complete this project, start to finish.

Can you see the pretty gold shimmer of the paint?  I used Ralph Lauren Metallic paint recommended by Courtney.  Perfect!

I am beyond thrilled with the result of this project.  Thanks to Kate and Courtney for the inspiration.

I'm sharing my project with Susan's Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch and with Jen's Weekend Wrap-Up Party at Tatertots and Jello.


  1. I saw those posts, too, and I was inspired. . . but you actually DID something with your inspiration! Good for you! It looks so good. If I were you I think I'd go ahead and stencil that whole wall. . . I can just imagine how pretty it would look butting up against the window frames. Or would that be more trouble than it's worth? Either way, you get an A+ for this project!!

  2. Oh, this looks awesome! I love it and it looks like wallpaper. You did a fantastic job.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Paula this turned out gorgeous! WOW! You really created a pretty back drop for your television area. I love the gold shimmer paint and the unique stenciled design. Very, very nice job! It's so wonderful to be inspired by blog friends. ~Melissa :)

  4. It is amazing, Paula!!! Love the hint of gold. :)

  5. That looks fantastic, I'll be tweeting, love love love !


  6. That looks fabulous! totally adds interest to that wall.
    (also, armoire rather than armour, I think.)

  7. Congrats on your project! The wall is awesome.....

  8. I LOVE THIS! Gives me an idea for the bedroom!!!!

  9. AHHHHHHHHH girl, this is amazing! I would love to recreate the same look in my dining room - I think that would make it pop! Gosh, you're so good at home decor!
    Hope you have a great day!

    PS - I really appreciate your kind words. It's been a rough go, but I trust that there is a plan for me. I just wish I knew what it was. Again, your kindness means a lot to me!

  10. Paula, that looks AMAZING! You've given me the courage to try it out myself. :) WONDERFUL job -- it looks perfect! :)

  11. Great job. I would like to suggest painting a straight line on either side to finish off the trellis. Just mark with chalk and tape off. Kathy

  12. Your focal wall looks great. Somehow I missed that post from Cents Girl.


  13. That looks so pretty! I have bought the stencil as well, but am waiting to use it. It only took you two hours, dang that is good news. And the great thing is, compared to wallpaper, it is way cheaper and easier to change out.

  14. love this!! and love your curtains - where are they from? or did you make them?

  15. I love the way this turned out!! I really love your curtains. Where did you get them?

  16. I love it! I really want to do this too but I'm scared it won't turn out as great as yours. GREAT job!!!! love the color you chose too.

  17. This looks great!! Wonderful way to spice up a TV room!


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