Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again!!

I’m back….back in the saddle again!!  (I’m singing, are you??)

I got a good report from the PT on Friday and got the go ahead to resume normal activity.  I raced home, got my racket, and spent the evening on the tennis court with Mr. SP.  It felt good to take out some frustrations on a tennis ball.

We went to Appomattox on Saturday to ride bikes.  We are so lucky that we can quickly get out of town and on quiet country roads that make riding pure pleasure. 

We have a unique post Appomattox bike riding tradition of going to a certain Exxon station to get a special treat.  Can you guess what’s in the container that only cost $1.39?


Some of you are going to be grossed out, but we LOVE fried chicken livers.  The ladies at this Exxon know how to cook them just right.  I took this picture with my phone so it’s a bit blurry. 


Our Saturday adventure continued with a trip to a local orchard for apples.  The orchard is at the foot of the mountain.  We bought Gala apples and are really enjoying them. 


The orchard has a few animals that you can feed and pet and being a big kid, I had to play with the donkey.


I should have done some work on Sunday, but I spent the day running, playing tennis, and then riding in the boat.  I figure I can work in the yard any old time.  It was a beautiful day here and I certainly enjoyed every second of it.

I think this week may be the busiest work week that I’ve had in a long time.  I’m already ready for the weekend!


  1. I thought they were boiled peanuts until you took the lid off!

    It's awesome hearing about your active weekend. Have a good week - the weekend will get here soon!

  2. It's great to just have a weekend to play and eat some of your favorite snacks! Glad you feel better.

  3. Okay, the orchard is beautiful, but I'll pass on the livers! LOL Have a great week!
    xoxo Pattie

  4. Girl you know how to live! Glad you had a great Saturday ride

  5. Hurray for you being cleared for fun! :) I would have totally played with the donkey too. ;)

  6. Yum! Fried chicken livers AND fresh gala apples!

    Glad you got a clean bill of health from the doc.

  7. Paula, glad to see you are back swinging the racquet again. Chicken livers are something I ate as a child but would definitely not be on my list of "must haves" anymore. Now if we walk to talk about stoppin at the gas station for a Snickers bar, that would be a different story.

  8. So glad you're feeling better! I know you enjoyed being active this weekend!

    I'm not much on chicken livers, but I LOVE fried chicken gizzards. Can you believe it?

    Are you a fan of Nadal? I love Roger Federer, but I was really proud to see Nadal win the USOpen. He's something else.

  9. I'm so glad to hear you got the a~OK to resume your activities. And you have been busy! You make me tired just reading all of it!! Take care, Paula!


  10. Yeah for the good report! But, I was a little disappointed that the container didn't have chicken gizzards. I'll pass on the livers, but love a good chewy gizzard and a diet coke. :)

  11. oh man...I cannot believe you got to play with a donkey...I'm dyin' to meet a donkey...

    and I'm glad to hear your back is better :)

  12. So glad you're doing better! Yay!

    As far as fried chicken livers go...I've never had them, but I love chicken liver pate, so I'm not gonna say yours is gross if you don't say mine is! Plus, you exercised enough that you can have a little treat!

  13. As for the fried chicken livers...I'm going to have to say don't knock it till you try it. I'm glad your feeling better and enjoyed your day!

  14. Yay! I'm glad you had so much awesomeness! Even if your treat doesn't sound super appealing! I'm not judgemental! I'll try anything once!

  15. Looks like a great outing! Not sure how I feel about the livers though. haha.

  16. Hi Paula!! How are you?? I LOVE the new blog look! Gorgeous! We were at the lake a lot this summer and I was always keeping an eye out for you- but I guess I'll have to get your email and we'll meet up one of these days.

    Just had to let you know that I am wierd and also like fried chicken livers... and anchovies... and brussell sprouts... but I digress. Take care!!


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