Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Door!

Mr. SP worked really hard this past weekend to get our new door installed.  We are both happy that this project is finally complete.  The top of the door has an interchangeable panel that can either be a screen or glass.  It's still stinking hot here, so for now we have the screen in place. 

I treated myself to some mums this weekend and am anxiously awaiting their pretty yellow blooms.

Autumn Clematis on the front of the house should bloom any time now. 

Do you see how dead the grass looks between the landscape bed and the house?  I sprayed it with Round-up over a week ago and hope to start fresh with grass only and no weeds.  We'll see how that goes!

Thanks to all of you who left sweet comments about my back.  I'm still not able to run or walk but the therapist says I'm making progress.  I go back on Friday and have my fingers crossed that I'll get a good report.  I'm not in any pain at all but my hip and spine don't want to stay in the correct position and it looks like I'll be sidelined until they start to behave.

Mr. SP is out mowing the grass right now.  Grass mowing is one of my very favorite chores.  I guess I should enjoy the fact that I have an excuse not to do it!


  1. Love your new door. Your home is just gorgeous and that screened porch on the side is wonderful. I would spend all the time I could there. Your landscaping looks really good compared to what I see around here. Can't wait for some cooler weather. Hugs, Marty

  2. That door looks fantastic! I love it, even without the glass. Your landscaping is gorgeous. I'm dying for some mums. Sooo pretty!

    When you get better, I'll be happy to let you mow my lawn. Hee! Hee! Praying for a good report Friday!!!

  3. GOOD CALL on the Chippendale door--it looks wonderful! And now I see the Chippendale railing on the porch, so of course it all ties together beautifully. I know you're proud of how it all looks.

    Good luck with the grass. Our lawn is mostly weeds, I think. We've tried killing and re-seeding, but I think weeds are about all we can grow! I think you'll have better luck though.

    I'm glad that your back is not in pain--I pray that you'll be 100% very soon.

  4. Hurray!! You have your door. It looks beautiful!!

    Hope your back improves soon. I've been there...


  5. I love how the details on the door match the side railings!
    glad to hear your back is recovering.

  6. Paula, I love the door. Hope you feel like running and dancing soon! Carla

  7. I want that door! It is just perfect for the style of your house.
    We are trying hard to save our lirope. Man, the heat has really worked on it this summer.
    Hope to hear that your back is as good as new real soon. I know it has sidelined you greatly.

  8. Gorgeous door! Now that I've seen yours, I want one too! I'm going right now to show Mr. Sahm!

  9. Paula, it looks perfect, perfect, perfect. I too love the way it looks with the side rails, you and Mr. SP did a great job.

  10. Paula, I LOVE the front door - GREAT choice and the screen will be so handy .... Everything just looks fantastic!


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