Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tennis, Tennis, and More Tennis

Last weekend we headed to the Outer Banks for a charity tennis tournament.  My friend Elsie came with us to play with me and our friend Keith came to play with Mr. SP.  Would you believe that we were at the beach for an entire weekend and didn’t get to eat a bite of seafood?  Nor did we dip our toes in the sand.  If it wasn’t raining, we were playing tennis or waiting to play tennis.
Everyone at this tournament couldn’t have been nicer.  We had a great time both playing tennis and socializing. 
These pictures are from Saturday morning.  Elsie and I won Friday night and Saturday morning.  Mr. SP and Keith won Friday night and lost Saturday morning.
Once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader!IMG_2950
We are all smiles after winning our second match.
This is from Mr. SP’s third match.
IMG_3037 Keith hurt his back, so he and Mr. SP were forced to quit their third match.  A week later, he’s better, but still hurting.
Elsie watching the guys.  The weather on Saturday was beautiful!
Sunday was a rainy day.  Elsie and I played our match in the morning and won, putting us in the finals! 
IMG_3110Unfortunately we didn’t win, but we were both happy to be in second place.  This is the best I’ve ever done in a tennis competition!  (The girl on the left’s shirt says “Save Second Base.”)
We didn’t get home last Sunday until after 11 pm.  We all were dragging at work on Monday!  I still haven’t caught up from being gone last weekend and having a busy week.

Can you guess what we are doing today?  Can you believe another charity tournament?  This tournament is men’s and women’s doubles in the morning and mixed doubles in the afternoon.  Partners and switched after playing x number of games and the winners are determined by who has the most wins.  Mr. SP won the men’s division last year and Elsie won the women’s division. 

Mama and my niece are coming tonight to spend the night and I can’t wait to see them.  I haven’t seen Reese since we were at the beach.  My mother has never seen my house when it is not neat and company ready.  She is in for a surprise when she sees it this afternoon.  This week I was home for 10 hours or less each night.  No time at home=messy house and unhappy Sweet Pea.

Have a great weekend!  I hope to be back to blogging and commenting this week!

I’m sharing at Amanda’s Weekend Bloggy Reading Party.
Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. Looks like a lot of tennis and a lot of fun! I love the action shot of you! I see the Save 2nd Base shirts around here a lot...

  2. Good luck in the tournament this weekend!!! Hope y'all have fun! Love that "Save second base" shirt. So cute!

  3. It looks and sounds like you had a ball {!}, Paula!! I look at you and want to go on a strict diet. Good luck this weekend!


  4. Looks like a lot of fun, and a lot of work. :-)

  5. Congratulations to all Paula. Please give your mama a big hug for me.

  6. Hope you win today. The weather is cooperating beautifully! Tell Mrs. A hello!

  7. Go, girl! :) How cool to come in 2nd place!!! I can't believe your mom hasn't seen your house all messy before. I think that's the only way my mom has seen mine. ;)

  8. Congratulations on a great showing in your tournament :)

    and you look Fabulous, darling :))

  9. I love the "2nd Base" girl's hair! I always wear pigtails when I play. Congrats on an excellent finish.


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