Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Weekend and a Walnut Avenue Update

This weekend was a good one.  We started out on Friday by heading to the lake for one last boat ride.  The last time we went to the lake, about a month ago, we hit a wake and a swinging window shattered.  We had to put the boat away full of glass as we had no tools with us to clean up the mess.  After a long vacuum session and installing the new window, we enjoyed a very pretty, but bumpy ride.  I hate that boating is over for us for seven months.  In the next few weeks our boat will get shrink wrapped for the winter.

Saturday we played in our first fall mixed doubles league match.  Neither of us played our best and we ended up losing.  There’s always next week!  We spent the rest of our Saturday working both inside and outside. 

Today we accomplished a chore that we both have been dreading.  We moved our gigantic armoire out of our family room and to my mom’s house.  The flat screen TV that we got in January was too big for the armoire, so we had to stop using it.  I’m so happy that my mom can use it because I think it’s a beautiful piece of furniture.

We had a devil of a time getting it out of our house.  This sucker is HEAVY!  Mr. SP and I managed to wrestle it out of the house and onto the deck and then we realized that there was no way that I could help to lift it down the steps.  Luckily a strong friend came over to help us load it onto the truck.

Having an old pickup truck is ideal for this kind of chore.  Our 1990 Ranger hauled this beast of a piece of furniture over a big mountain with no problem.

On a side note, Mr. SP was giddy that his Badgers beat Ohio State on Saturday.


Have you wondered about Walnut Avenue??  Mama has moved her furniture into the house and has been busy unpacking. 


Mama says to come on in and look around a bit!


The floors turned out beautifully.  I love the stain color that she used.  All of the hours that she spend on her hands and knees with the sander were 100% worth it.

Look at how beautiful the mantel in the parlor looks now that it is stained.  Please remember that she’s still organizing so things are not picture perfect just yet.IMG_3370 The armoire fits perfectly into the corner of the family room.

IMG_3355There’s lots of treasures to put away in the dining room.

IMG_3358This cute little school desks fits perfectly in the upstairs hallway beside the bathroom door.  The picture and my grandmother’s slate will hang above it. 


The hall wall will be a display area for old family pictures.  You can see two of the bedrooms.


I’ll share more of Walnut Avenue soon. 

Have a great week!


  1. I took the time to read the posts about Walnut Ave. It is a gorgeous home. She has really got some determination! I would have tuckered out through all the sanding & painting, let alone scrubbing. She definitely will enjoy when it is complete.

  2. Oh my! I am so happy for your Mom!! What an accomplishment that house is for her. You right, the floors are gorgeous!!

  3. Oh my! I am so happy for your Mom!! What an accomplishment that house is for her. You right, the floors are gorgeous!!

  4. Can't wait to see more! What a beautiful job she had done so far!

  5. WOW! What a remarkable transformation! She has made it a real showplace. I know she is proud and, you are proud of her. I hope she can relax and enjoy the fruits of her labor.

  6. Paula, today is my first day back to blog reading (typing with one hand) but I was SO thrilled to see this. I LOVE your Walnut Ave posts and you must be SO proud of your mom. What a gorgeous house!
    xoxo Pattie

  7. Paula: I am absolutely giddy about seeing the work completed on Walnut Ave. Your mama must be just so excited about moving upstairs. I can't believe the work that has been accomplished. Oh and the new piece looks fabulous, I can't believe you were able to help even get it to the deck. That is a big piece.

    I'm just doing the Happy Dance for you and your dear mama today.

  8. Your mom's house is gorgeous. I love the old photos that will be hanging in the hall. Can't wait to get more "tours".

  9. Wow! Your mom has done a fabulous job...just gorgeous!

  10. I just love it! I'm so proud for your Mom. She sure has put in the sweat equity. It looks fabulous.


  11. All that beautiful wood!! - it really is stunning!!
    Shes done a great job!!

  12. Oh goodie, Paula you shared Walnut Ave. Tell your mother I am loving this old home...nothing like looking back at old homes and wondering who lived in them. I look forward to seeing more and I can't wait to see Christmas there...oh I hope you share the holidays with us.

    Ok shrink wrap your this because it snows in your area? We don't do anything like that with our boat so it through me for a loop there...We just drain all the gas and baiscally park it under our shelter till next year. So sorry to hear about your mishap with the window.

  13. WOW! Walnut Avenue is amazing! I love the armoire and the school desk is awesome! Is that really your grandmother's slate? Like, the one she used for school? That is sooo coool! Everything is gorgeous!

  14. I am so impressed with your Mom's progress. It is just so beautiful! She should feel so proud.

  15. WOW!!! Love it!!!! What an inspiration!!

  16. Wow, that is amazing!! Has she named her house? The woodwork is gorgeous.....what a treasure your mamma has made the house on Walnut Ave!

  17. good Lord, look at all the pretties your mom has! was she hidin' them from us? VBG...oh, wait...she was hiding them from MB :))

    how perfectly beautiful...

  18. Beautiful! She did an amazing job!!!

  19. I'm glad to see the desk still in great condition. Martin got it for Frances for an anniversary gift. It was there most priced possession. I have the other slate.


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