Friday, November 5, 2010

Walnut Avenue in Late October

My mom has been busy unpacking and arranging her accessories.  I snapped a few pictures on Halloween to share.

This bread rack was in my great-great aunt’s store.  It makes a nice display area in Mama’s family room.  The pipes that you see to the right of the bread rack will one day be enclosed with wood and painted.

A marble topped table and a pretty mum spice up the hallway.  The woodwork on the parlor doors will soon be stained.

The parlor is coming together nicely.  Mama is planning on recovering the two chairs by the fireplace. 

The dining room is really coming together.  Mama found a chandelier in Oklahoma and hopes to have it hung by Thanksgiving.

This pie safe fits perfectly into a small hallway outside of the kitchen.

This is the mantel in the family room.  The toy was my dad’s when he was young.

A dough bowl in the family room holds autumn decorations.

Walnut Avenue now feels less like a project and more like a home.  We’ll start a new tradition this year by celebrating our first family Thanksgiving there.

If you are new to my blog, read all about my mom's adventure in fixing up her Walnut Avenue house by clicking on the "Walnut Avenue" tab on the right.

I’m sharing at Amanda’s Weekend Bloggy Reading Party at Serenity Now.  Click on the button below to join in the fun!

Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. I just can't believe what a wonderful job your Mom (and you) have done. It is just beautiful. I know Thanksgiving will be really special this year.

  2. If you told me that Walnut Avenue would ever look like this,I would have thought you were a nut case. What a beautiful home your mother has made. I hope she enjoys her new home on Walnut Avenue.

  3. So happy for your Mom and her new home. She is amazing!!!

  4. This home has really been transformed. I just know that you are all going to have the best Thanksgiving ever. Although there is more to do, it must be wonderful to see all of your accomplishments.


  5. Your mom has some lovely things! Carla

  6. Paula, I can't believe all the progress your mama has made. Bless her heart she has certainly put her heart into her home. Give her a big hug for me.

  7. Wow, it is really coming together nicely. I just love all of the heirlooms that your mom has accumulated. Gorgeous

  8. Beautiful home. All the heirlooms, your Dad's old toy and the antiques make it look like such a warm, welcoming home.

  9. Walnut Ave is looking awesome!

  10. I love the home she is creating...and how you are joining her in celebrating a beautiful new adventure in living. :)

    I love the of my favorites is the pie cabinet. Sigh...those are so wonderful! I am also beginning think I really need to get a dough bowl...LOL But I might actually use it to make dough! LOL

    God bless you and your mom. I think you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving together. Enjoy your new family tradition! :D


    Mary Joy

    visiting from Amanda's!

  11. I enjoyed following your Mom's project. Thanks for giving us a completed tour. You have to be so proud of all the hard work all of you put forth.

  12. It is amazing what your mom has accomplished. The house looks fantastic! I LOVE her bread bowl. :) Thanks so much for linking up to my party. Sorry for the delayed comment--it's been a long weekend. ;)


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