Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Another Christmas has come and gone.  I love this time of year and am going to savor the last few days before it is time to take down the decorations and get back to "real life."

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and day after Christmas.  Mama, my father-in-law, Mr. SP and I enjoyed a quiet Christmas Eve together.  My meal was excellent (if I do say so myself) and I'm glad that there were bunches of leftovers.  My new tradition is definitely to cool a crowned rib roast.  It was easy and oh-so-good.  Mr. SP and I opened our gifts on Christmas morning and then raced to the tennis court for a quick hour of tennis before it was time to drive to my mom's house.  (I know....who wants to play tennis on Christmas???)  We spent the afternoon at my mom's house drinking my uncle's blackberry wine and eating Hot Virginia Dip.  (My uncle makes the best fruit wine that you'll ever taste.)  Mama served a fabulous dinner including the best fried oysters that I've had since last Christmas.  Gosh they are good.  Presents followed dinner.  Watching Reese with her presents is the best part!  Kids get so excited!  We drove home very slowly as it was snowing, making the roads quite slick.

Yesterday we played tennis with a few friends and then had an impromptu "bring your leftovers" dinner party at our house.  It was a good way to socialize and also to get rid of some leftovers.

The dog above barks when  a pencil is sharpened.  Poor thing.  I predict that many an engineer will play with this "toy" in the near future!


  1. Paula, your home looks so beautiful with the snow. I bet your mama just loved having Christmas in her home this year. Glad you are safe and sound back home.

  2. Looks like a wonderful family Christmas! Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

  3. Looks like a fabulous Christmas, Paula! I hope you'll post the recipe for Hot Virginia Dip, if you haven't already. {hint hint} I can't let Natalie look at this post---she'll want that Barbie styling head. ;)

  4. A bring-your-leftovers party is a genius idea!
    That dog pencil sharpener...I'm speechless!

  5. I wish we had snow on Christmas. The photo of your house with snow is gorgeous!

    What a great idea to have a bring your leftover party! So smart!

    So glad y'all had a good Christmas. Enjoy your time off from school!

    What is Hot Virginia dip, by the way?

  6. Kelly J/Hunters HillDecember 27, 2010 at 4:31 PM

    Paula, your home is SO lovely in the snow. I'm glad y'all had a great Christmas.

    That pencil sharpener is just killing me !!

    Looks like your mama's kitchen is coming along !!

  7. It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful holiday!! I am still laughing over the pencil sharpener.


  8. What a great way to get rid of leftovers and spend time with family one more time!
    I hope you have a had a very merry Christmas!


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