Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Eve Dinner Menu

Can you believe that Christmas is just a few days away?   I sure can't!  The tradition in our family is for me to host Christmas Eve dinner and for Mama  to host a mid-afternoon meal on Christmas Day.  I've debated what to cook for a while now and I think I've finally figured out what I'll make.  I like to make a lot so that there are sure to be leftovers to enjoy in days to come.

Christmas Eve Dinner 2010:

~Assorted Vermont cheese and crackers

~Crown Rib Roast  - Ordered from a local meat shop.

~Horseradish sauce

~Mashed potatoes with gravy - I have never made gravy.  I have watched Mama make it fifty million times, so I should be ok on my own.  Plus, she'll be there while I make it to supervise.

~Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta - I blogged about this recipe back in October.

~Stewed Tomatoes -I will use a recipe from the Mrs. Rowe's cookbook.  If you are ever traveling on Route 81 through Virginia, stop in Staunton at Mrs. Rowe's.  You won't be sorry!

~Pineapple Casserole - My recipe is very similar to this one from Paula Dean.

~Rolls - Sister Shubert from the grocery store - love these!

~5 Flavor Pound Cake - This recipe is pretty much the same as the one I'll use.

~Eggnog Ice Cream

My mouth is already watering. 

What are your Christmas Eve plans?  Do you have a big meal or do you spend a quiet evening at home?  I'll probably pass out pretty early after enjoying this meal!


  1. Ahww this makes me hungry right now....blogging about what I do on Christmas Eve in a few so come check it out.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. I'm making beef tenderloin, creamed spinach, potatoes...not sure what else. It will just be us. On Christmas Day I got out of hosting duties, so I am bringing corn casserole and Hummingbird cake. My SIL is making turkey and I'm sure my MIL with boil a ham in the crockpot for a couple of days (yum yum!)

    Your menu sounds delicious!

  3. It all sounds wonderful! MMM. Hubby has to work Christmas Eve so it'll just be me and the kids. We're not doing anything special. I'll just imagine that I'm eating with y'all. YUMMMMMM!

  4. Um, I am map questing to your house right now. ;) Think I can make it back to my place in time for the dessert party? ;)

  5. Oh my - my mouth is watering, too! How can I love Paula Deen as much as I do and not ever heard of the pineapple casserole?

    We head to hubby's pappy's home on Christmas Eve morning. His Aunts prepare a fabulous meal of ham, turkey, dressing, fried sweet potatoes, rolls, and plenty of desserts. Good ol' southern cooking. Yum!

  6. and dinner is at what time Paula :)Everything sounds fabulous, please take some pictures of your feast for us.

  7. Sounds "lip smacking good!" -- but in a much more elegant way. I'm having Christmas Eve lunch for our daughter and her family and my dad and us. Our tradition is lasagna, garlic bread and salad -- My sweet husband's making sweet potato pie. Then we'll try to grab a little nap and go to church that evening.

  8. Mmmm, it all sounds so delicious. I'm sure your gravy will be wonderful! We're having tamales of course, our Christmas tradition and I'm getting a honey-baked turkey for my son and daughter as it wouldn't be Christmas for them without it. I'm hoping to make a Chocolate Trifle in a new Trifle dish I won in a giveaway and I'm also making pumpkin bread and a carrot cake.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and let us know how the gravy turned out!

  9. Love those Sister Shubert rolls!
    Christmas eve I am making pork bbq in the crock pot. That way I will not have to worry so much as we are putting out our luminaries (our whole neighborhood does them) and then we have to head off to 8:00 Mass!

  10. We will have the old sausage-egg casserole followed by a grazing buffet of shrimp, meatballs, ham croissants, cheese ball and crackers, fruit, and crock pot macaroni and cheese. If anyone is still hungry, we will have assorted cookies and peppermint ice cream pie.

  11. Your menu sounds so delicious and filled with so many things I have never had! Good luck with the gravy! ;-D

    We spend Christmas Eve with my husbands side of the family. Sometimes it is turkey with all the trimmings...other times it could be catered sandwiches. And always scrumptious!

    Happy Holidays, Paula!


  12. Okay- enough to make me hungry!! Yummy!! Wish I was coming over (:

  13. We spend Christmas Eve at my mom and dad's house. We all bring snacks and such and have such fun watching the kids open their presents. Our big meal is had on Christmas Day at my cousin's house. Yummy! Carla


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