Thursday, December 2, 2010

Walnut Avenue - An Update

Have you been wondering what's been happening at Walnut Avenue?  My mom has slowed down a bit on her projects.  She's tired and she needs a break!

Want to see a few changes?

Mama found this chandelier in an antique store in Oklahoma while on a trip with my aunt and uncle this fall.  It's hanging in the dining room now, but she's going to move it to the parlor soon.  In order to hang low enough for the dining room, it needs to be rewired.  Rather that go to that trouble, she's going to use it in a room where it is practical for it to hang high.  Isn't it pretty?

Our Arkansas friend, Lorrie, gave Mama these gorgeous sconces when she visited us in July.  Lorrie rescued these from a house that was to be torn down.  Aren't they perfect in Mama's hall?

The kitchen is far from being complete but I love how Mama has made it totally functional by being creative.  She has yet to pick out cabinets or finalize her kitchen design, so she's using the kitchen as it and do you know what?  It's just fine!

Mama cooked a huge Thanksgiving meal in this kitchen.  Notice that there's very little counter space!

The table that serves as an island was on my grandmother's porch for as long as I can remember.  It was a catch-all table.  The cool thing about this table is Creed, a cousin who originally lived in this house, built this table.  It's fitting that it now resides in the house where Creed grew up.  Mama added wheels to the table to raise it to a comfortable working height.

Most people would have thrown out an old wire stereo and record holder.  Not Mama.  She repurposed it into a toaster and tray holder.  Pretty clever!

Mama bought this vintage sink at a salvage place.  It needs to be glazed, but it works fine.  The sink is supported by a temporary cabinet from Lowes.  She purchased a second Lowes cabinet and put an old door across the top of it to serve as a counter.  The set of drawers between the two cabinets are leftover from a remodel project from her farm kitchen.  If you look on top of the dishwasher, you'll see a slab of stone.  My dad once  rescued this from a building being demolished in Richmond.  My mom saved it for years thinking that one day she'd have a use for it.  Now she does!

The plan for this wall is for food storage, display space, and a broom closet. 

If you just saw this picture, you'd think that the kitchen was complete.  Mama is testing out red paint for the kitchen.  We like it!

I'm visiting Walnut Avenue again this weekend.  Mama and I are going on a Christmas house tour in her town.  I love a house tour and this one looks like a good one.


  1. Paula, it is so fun to watch your Mama's house come together. I can certainly see progress even though there is still much to be done. Oh YES! I LOVE that chandelier. It is so gorgeous AND those scones!! So unique and perfect where she has placed them. What a SWEET FRiend you have! ;)

    Your mother has a lot of patience to fix TG dinner with almost no counter space. It will be so nice when it's just the way she wants it. I do love the red paint!


  2. I just can't believe the changes since this summer Paula. Your mama has been a busy bee and I can understand how she needs a rest. We have plenty of snow right now and both of you can come "rest" at my house anytime. Lorrie's scones look perfect, just perfect!

  3. This looks terrific! I especially love the red. That was so sweet of Lorrie and I know she's thrilled your mother is using the sconces. My favorite thing is the record holder - love that idea!!!

  4. Oh Paula, I'm so happy to see the Walnut Avenue progress! The chandelier and sconces are to die for. Wow, I can really see all the amazing elements your sweet Mother is putting in her amazing home. I really love following the progress on Walnut Avenue.

  5. It looks like your mother is settling in nicely. I love the chandelier and sconces! And it really looks like she knows how to make do. The kitchen is going to be wonderful when she finishes.

    Have fun on the house tour...I love those, too!


  6. I love the sconces! I think my neighbor may have a similar one!
    Your mamma is so inspiring! So much has been done......real elbow grease and love. Wow.

  7. I love house tours too! The one in our historic area always falls on the weekend I go to NYC. :( Walnut Avenue is looking amazing! Love the red paint. :) Have fun on the tour!

  8. Looks like everything is falling into place. She's been working HARD! Can't wait to see more! Have a great time....our Pilgrimage is this weekend, too. Nothing better than a house tour to put you in the Christmas mood!

  9. Yippy Walnut I seem like a stalker...I love hearing about this old house and all your mom is doing with it. Love the red paint..isn't that a hooser or something like husband asked me did I want one cause he found an old one but I never went and saw it with him...big mistake on my part.
    what a great idea for the vintage rack...i love repurpose old things.

    thanks again for sharing...i bet one christmas your mom should use her home on a house tour...

  10. Wow...oh wow!!! First, I can't believe your mom had the patience to cook Thanksgiving dinner in that space. Bless her heart!

    Secondly, those sconces ARE just perfect. Lorrie really came through on that one.

    It's all just coming together so beautifully.

  11. LOL...all I can say is the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Your great ideas are genetic! I so love seeing all the goings on on Walnut Avenue!

  12. What a great job she's done! The sconces are perfect.

  13. Oh my gracious! So many wonderful things to see! The chadelier is gorgeous, as are the sconces, but my favorite thing is the table she put wheels on in the kitchen! My SIL has a similar table that's been in the family for years. Love it! So jealous! Your mom is a genius to put wheels on it! Also, you know I love a red kitchen!

    Hope they let you take pictures on the Christmas house tour! Can't wait to hear all aobut it!

  14. Lorrie's sconces are just perfect, aren't they? and I love the idea that a little bit of somebody else's home is livin' on in your mom's beautiful Walnut Street home...


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