Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blogging and Glogging (Have you heard of a Glog?)

Last year at school our students learned to make Glogs on Glogster. Have you heard of Glogster? 

Glogster is an on-line poster making tool. It's great for reports and my students love it. Glogster has an edu division for schools and a free edition for home use. It's simple to sign up, you can even do it through Facebook. I created the Glog below describing my adventures last weekend at the beach.

At school the kids love to present their Glogs to the class on the Smartboard.  I've found that the kids get really interested in a topic when they get to make a Glog about it.

For a blogger, wouldn't this be a fun way to share a recipe?

What do you think?  Would you like to learn more?  If there is interest, I'll be glad to do a Glogster "How To" series.

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  1. That is so cool! I wonder if our teachers know about that. The 5th grade class I work with a lot would've LOVED doing that for the Marting Luther King, Jr. projects! Thanks for sharing. I'd love a tutorial! I bet my oldest would like that too.

  2. That's super cool! I love the way you can click on the pictures and they just pop out yet it doesn't reload the whole page. They would be great for all kinds of blogging things. I for one would love a tutorial.

  3. I had no idea!!! That's great for parents running out to the store for poster board. ;)

  4. So cool! My Miss Mae has a project due soon- we may just have to give that a try! Thank you for sharing that info!!!

  5. Fun! I would love to learn about Glogging, Paula!


  6. My oldest asked me yesterday if I knew what "glog" was. I was so excited to sounds smart and tell her I knew what it was. Thanks Paula for making me seem like a cool mom who's in the know, for a change. ;)

  7. That is just so wonderful! I love your Glog! ♥♥♥


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