Monday, April 30, 2012

Time to Divide the Iris

Every year I look forward to my Iris blooming.  This year they just aren’t blooming like they used to bloom.  They are letting me know that it is past time to divide them.

I looked through some old pictures to remind myself of what my Iris should look like when in full bloom.  Look at the blooms I had in 2006.  My Iris are all pass-along plants from either my mom, my friend at school, or an old neighbor.

This year the same area has very few blooms. 

Thank goodness the yellow ones are blooming a bit this year.

This bed has changed a lot since 2006.  The cherry tree died, the deer killed the rose, and things have really spread out.  The bed itself is bigger, too.  

In 2006 I had a lot of blooms in this area of the bed.

This year not many blooms are to be found.  The light purple Iris that’s tipped over is one of my favorites.  I haven’t mulched yet this year and I just hate that this task hasn’t been at least started.  Beds look so much nicer with a fresh mulch topping. 

After the Iris finish blooming, I will divide them.  To make it easier to remember which color is where, I marked them with scrap lumber from Mr. SP’s workshop.  I’ll dig them up, split apart the rhizomes, refresh the soil with some peat and compost, and then replant.

If your Iris aren't blooming like they used to bloom, then yours probably need dividing, too.  If there is interest, I'll post a tutorial after I divide mine.  If you live in my area, let me know if you’d like some of the divisions.  I probably won’t get to this task until school is out, but when I do, I’d love to share rather than toss what I don’t use in the compost pile.

Do you have any garden tasks that are way overdue like this one?  Please tell me I’m not alone!

Linking to:
Weekend Bloggy Reading at Serenity Now
Grace at Home at Imparting Grace

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  1. Oh I would love a tutorial. I have a row of yellow irises in one area around the pool and we have never split them. They were there when we bought the house so not sure how long it's been. I also need to split my hostas but have put that off again until next spring!

  2. I did have a gardening chore that was overdue, but we got on it yesterday. We pruned roses and trimmed boxwoods.

  3. TOO PRETTY! I just love those bursts of color. I need to divide my daffodils. As much as I love them in my front flower beds, the dead stalks are not an attractive way for me to greet my guests. Maybe I'll move mine. Would love to see your tutorial!

  4. Really? I didn't know you could do that. I'm so gardening challenged. I am the disgrace of our neighborhood. My flower bed has two rose bushes and weeds. Sad. Some day when I grow up, I'm gonna have a flower bed like you. I'll have to have someone else do it though.

  5. Yes, tutorial, please! If you divide them in the early summer do you expect blooms next Spring?

  6. Oh, Paula!! The iris is the Tennessee state flower, so it's very dear to my heart. Yours are beautiful--and how wonderful that you can divide them! I think a tutorial is a great idea--I like learning from you!

  7. I wish I had some to divide! Love yours!

  8. Just wanted to pop in again and say thank you so much for joining Grace at Home. I really appreciate it. You are such a wonderful blogger!


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