Friday, April 20, 2012

Vintage Cat Planter

When I visited my mom at Easter, she surprised me with a gift from her friend, Peggy.  Peggy knows that I love vintage planters and picked up this adorable cat planter at a yard sale especially for me.  Wasn’t that the sweetest and most thoughtful thing?

I am giddy with excitement to have another vintage planter to add to my collection.

Pink Dogwood blossoms look pretty contrasting against the green planter.  I photographed this on my porch but now have my new treasure by my kitchen sink so that I can admire it while I wash dishes.

Wasn’t it sweet of Peggy to think of me while she was shopping?  Thanks, Peggy!

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  1. Peggy is such a sweet friend! I love the little kitty planter, and the pink dogwood complement it well.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Hi Paula! This is so sweet and how sweet of your mom to suggest :) to her friend.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  3. This is darling, Paula. What a sweet lady Peggy is!


  4. What a cute planter and such a special gift. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  5. Oh, I love the color of it, too! You'll have fun with this planter!


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