Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weekend Work

Mr. SP worked very hard this weekend.  He played a tennis match, ran, stained the dock, mowed the grass, tilled a flower bed for his dad, and he cleaned the boat for the summer season.

Where was I?  Well, I helped with the dock, but that was about it.  I had more prolotherapy injections in my back on Thursday and needed to take it easy for a few days.  Taking it easy isn’t in my vocabulary; thank goodness I had Mother’s Day to distract me.  May 28 will mark the one year mark for my back battle.  Four rounds of prolotherapy and nearly a year of pt have helped, but I’m still not back to 100%.  My back stays out of place in the L5-L4 region which causes me discomfort.  The doctor discovered that my SI joint is wider on the right side and that I have a spur on the joint in the exact location where I hurt.  In addition to the prolotherapy, she injected me with a concoction called P2G directly in the SI Joint.  If this doesn’t work, the next step may be PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), which stimulates the body to send stem cells to the area to repair itself.  I hope it doesn’t come to that, but I’m really growing weary of the non-stop battle against my back and will try it if it may work.  Enough of the negative!  I'm lucky that my back is well enough that I can enjoy most of the activities that I love.

Saturday was a nice day to drive to the lake to apply coat #2 to the dock.  We put the first coat of stain on the dock back in April when I was on spring break.  Coat two was much easier to apply because the wood didn’t absorb nearly as much stain as it did with the first coat.

Look at the difference!

Believe me, I did do some of the work, I didn’t make Mr. SP do it all!

I had high hopes of renovating the Forsythia hedge that grows between our house and our neighbor's house, but that didn't happen, and will have to wait until next weekend.

I also had high hopes of doing some more mulching, but that didn’t happen, either.  We did have more mulch delivered, so it’s there when we have time to spread it.


Look at the steam coming off of the mulch.  The bacteria are feasting away!

Do you think we have enough?  This is 11 yards and we’ve already spread 15!

This week promises to be a busy one.  I'm in charge of a retirement dinner that's Wednesday night, we have testing all week at school, and I have a tennis match on Thursday.  Throw a few medical appointments into the mix to make one full week.  On a positive note, this is my last five day work week until August.  Two more weeks and I'm free!

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Paula, your dock is just beautiful and I know how much work staining is after staining our porch last year. Bless his hear Mr. SP looks like it took the weekends work in stride. Hopefully the treatments will give you the relief you need with your back and the summer will be spent enjoying your summer activities.

  2. The heat that comes off mulch is something, isnt' it! I can understand how people burn their plants by spreading mulch incorrectly. Your yard is so beautiful that it would be a disservice NOT to have fresh mulch to set it off. Good work! (Here's hoping your back treatments bring much needed and deserved relief!)

  3. Hope your back is feeling better from the treatments.
    We spent Sun afternoon at the lake with my brothers and sisters-in-law and Mom and Dad. (No shortcut to writing that, is there?)
    I'd love to have all that mulch to spread. I just buy it by the bag.

  4. That is one awesome, awesome dock!

    (two is awesomer than one)

  5. Two more weeks until summer? Yay!!!! The deck looks great!

  6. I'm so sorry about your back! That sounds painful and discouraging, but you have a good perspective.

    On a lighter note, that deck is positively beautiful! Even if I didn't have a boat I'd bring a camp chair and a book and spend a lot of time there! :)


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