Monday, May 7, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes

Last year we decided to renovate our lawn and it stayed brown from the end of May until early fall when the grass was replanted.  My mission was to kill the evil Bermuda, aka Wire Grass.  Our house is on a corner and many, many walkers pass by each day.  This is what they had to look at last year.

Not so pretty, is it?

Even if the yard was brown, the flowers were still pretty.

What a difference a year makes.  The grass is now green, thick and oh-so-pretty.  When I’m working in the yard, it never fails, cars will stop to give me a compliment and so will walkers.  That makes me so happy.  I love that our neighbors enjoy our yard as much as I do.


The grass is pretty but it works me hard.  It used to take a little over an hour to mow our grass but lately it takes over two hours.  The difference is that the grass is so lush and green that it frequently clogs my mower.  So much grass is blown from the mower into the driveway that I literally have to rake the driveway before I can blow the excess grass away.  The extra work is worth it to have this green grass to enjoy.


This weekend we spread a little over 15 yards of mulch on our beds.  I wish we’d ordered more because it wasn’t enough.  The good thing is we spread every bit that we ordered and it’s not blocking our parking area for weeks on end like it does in a normal year.  Beds look so much better with a fresh layer of mulch.

When I mowed Sunday evening I discovered that my neighbor cut back his half of our Forsythia border.  I think technically the border is mine, so I’m going to take the bull by the horns and give this shrub row a good renovation.  Next weekend I am planning to cut every Forsythia fairly close to the ground.  These shrubs are overgrown and I believe a hard pruning will rejuvenate them.  I’m going to consult with my garden-guru former running buddy to make sure, but I think my plan will work.  Can you see in the picture below that my neighbor’s half is cut off and my half isn’t?  On my side the branches are long and drape to the ground.  (I stood in his yard to take this picture.)

In other garden news, my Peonies are beginning to bloom.  I really don’t think there is a prettier flower than a Peony.

Saturday I posted what I planned to accomplish this weekend.  The tennis match was successfully played, the mulch was spread, and the dryer problem was diagnosed and a part ordered.  I’m hoping to be able to dry clothes by next weekend.  Luckily, most of my weekend laundry was athletic wear and it could all be line dried.  When the dryer is finally fixed, I’m probably going to give it a good laundry work out.

The dock didn’t get stained, and no cleaning was accomplished, but that’s ok, there’s always next weekend.

Have a good week!  I’m on the countdown until the last day of school.  17 more days and I’m free to decorate and craft to my heart's content.  I have missed having creative time and I can’t wait to have time to make something.

Sharing With:
Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
Weekend Bloggy Reading Party at Serenity Now

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  1. Your lawn is so pretty! :D I agree about peonies. They are my favorite flower, too. My sweet neighbor said she would share some of hers with me this fall when she divides them. I cannot wait! Hers are all pale pink and white with a little red on them.

    Have a great week!

  2. It does look beautiful. That's a lot of flower beds to care for, but clearly you do a great job, and it looks wonderful. I so wish we could grow peonies...they are SO gorgeous.

  3. Peonies are some of my favorites! This time of year, we mow our grass every other day on the highest setting. We bag the grass and it takes forever but so so worth it!

  4. Hi Paula, The house and yard are beautiful! The green grass is so restful looking. At the shore the irises are blooming. It will be a while before our peonies. I went to Chanticleer Gardens this weekend on the Philly Mainline and the peonies were in full bloom. Spectacular!
    Enjoy your summer break! You are doing such a good job teaching our next generation!
    Blessings, Jennifer aka Gigi

  5. The yard looks great. And yes, whack away at those forsythia -- they're tough -- they can take it. And while we're talking renovations, did you ever post a big reveal of your bathroom? I have scouted through old posts and the last I saw was the window treatments in the works but not hung up. Did I miss it?

  6. Paula, your lawn is gorgeous! I know it's a lot of extra work, but I know you're enjoying the heck out of it! Love all your yard projects!

  7. the lawn is just luscious!! I love a Peonies also!!

  8. Paula, your lawn looks wonderful! You have such a green thumb. I'm guessing you're right about the forsythia--I think you should trust your instincts and give it a good pruning! Kudos to you for doing the hard work with your grass--what a beautiful outdoor space you have to enjoy!

  9. Your lawn is beautiful and so large! We have a huge lawn to since we're also a corner house. It takes me hours to mow/edge etc so I feel your pain!

  10. Your grass is soooo pretty! We have a couple in our neighborhood that burns his lawn and it is hideous for a couple of weeks, but it is gorgeous in the summer! I would just love to walk barefoot in your yard. That's weird, huh?

    I love peonies! I love that they are so full - no boring flattened out center. Beautiful!!!!

  11. I just wanna lay down on your lawn, it's sp plush. Our neighbors is just like it and my thought were the same about clogging the mower. Still worth it though. Great job :)

  12. What a transformation. We need some new sod! Your lawn is lush and beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Wow! Lush green grass really does make all the difference! I love how your yard is designed with soft, swooping lines. Gorgeous!

  14. Your hard work really paid off, your yard looks beautiful!

  15. You are right Paula, the front yard had a big transformation from last year to what it is now, all green looking beautiful. Feel like sitting down in the grass playing out with kids or dogs.

  16. Hi Paula! Oh, your yard looks wonderful! Love that your driveway circles around and you have that pretty circle of green! Your home is pretty too. Glad you got so much accomplished and I want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. What a beautiful home and yard. I love looking at people's homes!


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